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Description: “Methane: Climate Change, Energy Transition, Geopolitical Cudgel,” a Speaker Series talk by Dr. Anthony Ingraffea, the Dwight C. Baum Professor of Engineering, Emeritus, at Cornell University will be presented on Zoom.
“Methane Leaks in New Mexico Far Exceed Current Estimates, Study Suggests. An analysis found leaks of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, from oil and gas drilling in the Permian Basin were many times higher than government estimates.” NY Times, March 24, 2022.
Once again New Mexico is in the national headlines and it’s not good. Professor Tony Ingraffea, Emeritus, Cornell University will help to put meaning to this most recent Stanford University study.
We know that methane, a gas produced by oil and gas fracking wells in N.M., is a major driver of climate change. It is an impediment to the transition to a renewable energy world. Methane is, at this very moment, being used as a geopolitical cudgel. Dr. Ingraffea will describe his research and give his opinions on these aspects of this simple molecule and hope to stimulate productive discussion.

LInk to yesterday’s NY Times article on methane leaks in N.M. LINK
The March 350 New Mexico Speaker Series will be co-hosted by the NM Solar Energy Association.