Spring Immersion Retreat in Permian Basin/Southeast New Mexico

The Spring Immersion Retreat Experience in Southeast New Mexico is slated for March 27-29.  This is an opportunity to travel in individually or in carpools to Carlsbad and other communities in the Permian Basin to understand the scope of oil and gas extraction, impacts on communities, and to reflect and engage.  Donation of $100 requested […]

New Mexico Climate Action Plan Public Meeting: Statewide Virtual Meeting via Zoom

The Climate Action Plan (CAP) will provide an actionable roadmap to meet New Mexico's climate pollution reduction targets, ensuring a healthy, secure and prosperous future for all New Mexicans. The New Mexico Environment Department and New Mexico Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department are inviting you to join planning efforts for the CAP. Join them […]

Earth Day Festival: Save Energy, Money & the Planet

Sid Cutter Pilot Pavilion at Balloon Fiesta Park Sunday, April 13th, 10:00pm-4:00pm This years theme is "Our Power, Our Planet: a call to action for us all to embrace renewable energy and create a lasting impact on our planet's future." There will be a PNM EV Event, Your Art Contests, food vendors, and lots of […]

EarthFest at La Montanita Co-op (Nob Hill)

Sunday, April 13th, 10:00pm-4:00pm Join NM IPL at La Montanita's annual EarthFest with wonderful vendors and tables from local non-profits doing environmental and community engagement work.

Extreme Heat, Health, and Resiliency Summit (Virtual)

Healthy Climate New Mexico is excited to once again host a FREE virtual Summit to help health professionals understand the health impacts of extreme heat. Featuring: New Mexico Heat and Health Update, Hot Topics in Heat and Health. Keynote Adress by: Michelle Litwin, Heat Response Program Manager, Phoenix. Register HERE.

“New Mexico is Running Out of Water”

Sponsored by Presbyterian Earth Care Team New Life Presbyterian Church 5540 Eubank Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87111 Norm Gaume, President of New Mexico Water Advocates will present - the day will include time for presentations on the nature of our water crisis, what’s being done, how we can help, and time for conversation, prayers, refreshments. Everyone […]

ClimeOn Workshop

ClimeOn Workshop with Mike Rea At First Presbyterian Church in Santa Fe (208 Grant Ave) More details to follow