IPL NM&EP Sacred Land and Water Committee Meeting

Our draft agenda for Thursday's meeting: 1. Reflection 2. Update on water advocacy discussion with the Skeets 3. Field trip planning to Spirit Farm 4. ECHO series on mental health, art and climate change 5. Other advocacy needs for soil and water For more information contact committee chair Ann McCartney, asims98891@aol.com

Webinar: A Path to Pollution-Free Buildings

Sponsored by Southwest Energy Efficiency Project (SWEEP) Heating and cooling are vital for the health and wellbeing of our communities, especially as the changing climate drives more extreme weather and poor air quality. We know that building electrification and efficiency are key to improving air quality, both inside and outside, protecting customers from rising or volatile heating […]

IPL NM/EP Advocacy Committee Meeting

Agenda *Federal budget process and asks *Clean vehicles campaign and needs moving toward hearings in NM and linking mining advocacy to how we do the clean cars campaign *Updates on methane, oil and gas and farm bill *Water *Other   For more information and to receive Zoom link, contact committee chair Ruth Striegel, ruth.striegel@gmail.com

Statewide Energy Town Hall

NM EPSCoR invites you to a statewide Town Hall to listen, learn, and collaborate to develop energy policy and systems change recommendations to ensure all New Mexicans experience an equitable and just energy transition in the years to come. Space is limited to 150 participants. Aug 8th and 9th Day 1: 8am-4pm Day 2: 8am-12:30pm […]

Webinar: Season of Creation and Laudato Si

Marie Dennis, Director of the Catholic Nonviolence Initiative and Anna Johnson, the Laudato Si’ Movement Senior Programs Manager in North America, will share tips and best practices for successfully promoting the goals of nonviolence, integral ecology, and Laudato Si’ during and beyond the Season of Creation. This session is specifically targeted to North American audiences, […]

A Seminar (in Las Cruces): The Documented Record of Holtec

Holtec, a privately-held company, plans to construct and operate a storage facility for spent nuclear fuel in Lea County. Now that Holtec has a license from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to proceed in Lea County, the time has come to take a closer look at Holtec’s record and how it does business.  This close review […]

IPL Cool Congregations Committee Meeting

The Cool Congregations Committee of Interfaith Power & Light New Mexico will hold its next meeting on Monday, August 14, at 4:00 p.m. For more information contact committee chair Mike Prine, mikep@unm.edu  

IPL NMEP Board Meeting

Interfaith Power & LIght New Mexico & El Paso has scheduled its next board of directors meeting for Tuesday, August 15. This in-person meeting will be held at First Congregational Church, 2801 Lomas Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106  . For more information,  send a note to co-chairs Ruth Striegel, ruth.striegel@gmail.com or Ann McCartney, asims98891@aol.com.

Webinar: “Young People: Essential Partners in the Laudato Si´ Action Platform”

“Young people have a new ecological sensitivity and a generous spirit, and some of them are making admirable efforts to protect the environment” (LS, 209).This reality will shine brightly at this year’s World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal, where at least 500,000 young people are gathering and giving hope for the future of the church […]

Interactive Community Workshop on Equity in Water Planning

Think Water: Act Now Speaker Series Centering equity in water planning is critical for New Mexico’s public health and creating a balanced and secure water future. Join important community voices for this crucial conversation. Panelists include Paula Garcia, Interstate Stream Commissioner and Executive Director of the New Mexico Acequia Association; Jorge Garcia, Executive Director, Center […]

Rally: End the Rubberstamping of Pipelines

Please join  the  Sierra Club: Rio Grande Chapter  in making signs and having a small rally outside the Army Corps of Engineers office, 4101 Jefferson Plz NE, Albuquerque Participants will deliver a letter asking that they stop improperly using Nationwide Permit 12 - an expedited process that has been used to approve pipeline projects. The […]