New Mexico Interfaith Dialogue Speaker Series: Cantor Barbara Finn

The New Mexico Interfaith Dialogue will be having a Zoom meeting on Thursday July 20th, 7:00 pm -8:30 pm. Our speaker will be Cantor Barbara R. Finn who will be speaking on " Bar/Bat Mitzvah.” Cantor Barbara R. Finn began her position as cantor at Congregation Albert in Albuquerque, New Mexico in July of 2004. Previously she served […]

US Treasury Direct Pay Webinar (Clean Energy Projects) for July 25

The U.S. Department of Treasury has recently released its guidance on Elective Pay and Transferability, made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act. Elective Pay, also called ‘Direct Pay’, is a groundbreaking piece  of the IRA which allows previously ineligible entities, e.g. non-profit organizations or local school boards, to receive payments equivalent to the full value […]

Let’s Talk Safe and Affordable Energy

Inviting All Indigenous Clean Energy Leaders & Community Voices Access to safe and affordable energy matters to everyone. It impacts our economic well-being, health, and sovereignty now and for future generations.  Learn about micro-grids. Share your perspectives and experiences in your community about access to clean energy choices, job opportunities and training, access to potential […]

Monthly Earth Spirit Sharing

IPL is continuing its monthly Earth and Spirit sharing for support and deepening as we work to love and care for community and our Earth. Sacred grounding and sharing is so important for the long haul loving work. Lisa Leahigh, a Buddhist practitioner who is in an eco-chaplaincy program through Upaya Zen Center in Santa […]

National Defend Our Climate Town Hall with Sen. Whitehouse (D-RI), Rep. Stansbury (NM-01)

Facebook Event sponsored by Climate Action Campaign Please join us for a unique virtual town hall event with Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and Representative Melanie Stansbury (NM-01), moderated by Earthjustice President Abbie Dillen. We'll talk about record heat and what we can do about it. We'll celebrate how all the climate investments in the Inflation […]

IPL NM&EP Sacred Land and Water Committee Meeting

Our draft agenda for Thursday's meeting: 1. Reflection 2. Update on water advocacy discussion with the Skeets 3. Field trip planning to Spirit Farm 4. ECHO series on mental health, art and climate change 5. Other advocacy needs for soil and water For more information contact committee chair Ann McCartney,

Webinar: A Path to Pollution-Free Buildings

Sponsored by Southwest Energy Efficiency Project (SWEEP) Heating and cooling are vital for the health and wellbeing of our communities, especially as the changing climate drives more extreme weather and poor air quality. We know that building electrification and efficiency are key to improving air quality, both inside and outside, protecting customers from rising or volatile heating […]

IPL NM/EP Advocacy Committee Meeting

Agenda *Federal budget process and asks *Clean vehicles campaign and needs moving toward hearings in NM and linking mining advocacy to how we do the clean cars campaign *Updates on methane, oil and gas and farm bill *Water *Other   For more information and to receive Zoom link, contact committee chair Ruth Striegel,

Statewide Energy Town Hall

NM EPSCoR invites you to a statewide Town Hall to listen, learn, and collaborate to develop energy policy and systems change recommendations to ensure all New Mexicans experience an equitable and just energy transition in the years to come. Space is limited to 150 participants. Aug 8th and 9th Day 1: 8am-4pm Day 2: 8am-12:30pm […]

Webinar: Season of Creation and Laudato Si

Marie Dennis, Director of the Catholic Nonviolence Initiative and Anna Johnson, the Laudato Si’ Movement Senior Programs Manager in North America, will share tips and best practices for successfully promoting the goals of nonviolence, integral ecology, and Laudato Si’ during and beyond the Season of Creation. This session is specifically targeted to North American audiences, […]

A Seminar (in Las Cruces): The Documented Record of Holtec

Holtec, a privately-held company, plans to construct and operate a storage facility for spent nuclear fuel in Lea County. Now that Holtec has a license from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to proceed in Lea County, the time has come to take a closer look at Holtec’s record and how it does business.  This close review […]

IPL Cool Congregations Committee Meeting

The Cool Congregations Committee of Interfaith Power & Light New Mexico will hold its next meeting on Monday, August 14, at 4:00 p.m. For more information contact committee chair Mike Prine,