Rally to End Sacrifice Zones on Public Lands (Las Cruces)

The BLM will have a 3,000 acre lease auction on-line on public land in the Permian Basin on May 25. A coalition, including IPL NM & EL, is  planning an event to give a letter to BLM regarding No More Sacrifice Zones and concerns for sacred land, water, air, and climate and our communities and […]

Rally to End Sacrifice Zones & Letter Delivery at BLM (Santa Fe)

Join a coalition of  climate justice and environmental groups (including IPL NM-El Paso) at rally and delivery of a letter to the Bureau of Land Management Santa Fe headquarters calling on the agency to cancel its plans to auction off over 10,000 acres of public and ancestral lands for oil and gas extraction on May […]

Electric Vehicles and Equity Featuring Kevin Bai

Join national IPL for a comprehensive webinar featuring Kevin Bai of EVHybridNoire that will address equity in the transition to clean EVs and explain how we can work towards a just transportation future! Topics will include: equity in the context of transportation- what is transportation equity and what is the historical context of unjust transportation […]

Community Movie Screening in El Paso: The Letter

The community in El Paso, Las Cruces and surrounding areas is invited to a screening of the documentary The Letter. The movie tells the story of a journey to Rome of frontline leaders to discuss the encyclical letter Laudato Si’ with Pope Francis. The exclusive dialogue with the Pope, included in the film, offers a […]

BLM Hearing on Management of Public Lands (Albuquerque)

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is considering a once-in-a-generation change to how they manage public lands. As part of this process, they are hosting a meeting in Albuquerque, NM on Tuesday, May 30, 2023, from 5-7 p.m. MT at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, (401 12th St NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104)! to gather input […]

Vesak (Buddhist Holiday)

Vesak, also known as Buddha Jayanti, Buddha Purnima and Buddha Day, is a holiday traditionally observed by Buddhists in South Asia and Southeast Asia as well as Tibet and Mongolia. It is the most important Buddhist festival.

Braiding Sweetgrass: A Conversation (First Session)

A conversation on what it means to have a sense of place in this moment of transition. Using the book Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer, we invite you to join us for the first of an intergenerational dialogue series where we explore the loss of place, connection to the land, and to one another. […]

A Walk Along the Santa Fe River

A day-long community procession walking the Santa Fe River. Starting at the Cerro Gordo Trailhead, ending at 3600 Constellation drive, we will walk the length of the river within city limits (approximately 12 miles). More information via this link

A Free Screening of Current Revolution: Nation in Transition

The Albuquerque Interfaith Coalition for Climate Care invites you to a free screening of Current Revolution Nation in Transition A film by Roger Sorkin Produced by the American Resilience Project in association with Arizona State University Sunday, June 11 2:00-4:00 PM Central United Methodist Church 201 University Blvd NE This film is an examination of […]

IPL NM-EP Board of Directors Meeting

The public is invited to attend the IPL New Mexico & El Paso board of directors meeting. This will be an in-person meeting at First Congregational Church,  2801 Lomas Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106  Contact board co-chairs Ruth Striegel, ruth.striegel@gmail.com  or Ann McCartney, asims98891@aol.com  to RSVP

IPL NM-EP Advocacy Committee Meeting

The public is invited to the IPL New Mnexico-El Paso Advocacy Committee meeting. Contact chair Ruth Striegel to get Zoom link.  ruth.striegel@gmail.com