Fracking with Forever Chemicals in New Mexico

Citizens Caring for the Future invites you to a virtual webinar Fracking with Forever Chemicals in New Mexico, presented by Physicians for Social Responsibility. The webinar is based on a PSR report, which presents previously unpublicized evidence that major oil and gas companies, including ExxonMobil and Chevron, have used per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), or […]

HCN Speaker Series: Fighting for a Fossil Fuel Free New Mexico

Join High Country News readers and friends for a thoughtful discussion about the impacts of fuel extraction in New Mexico and the fight for a fossil-free future. The conversation will be hosted by journalist Laura Paskus and feature community advocates and experts engaging in these struggles today. The in-person event will take place at the […]

San Ysidro y Santa Maria Celebration

A blessing of the Armijo Acequia at the Sanchez Farm Open Space, 1180 Arenal Rd SW, Albuquerque, NM 87105 For more information contact James Maestas

Water Advocates Speaker Series

The Middle Rio Grande Water Advocates will offer a review/summary on the 2023 New Mexico Legislature's water management bills and appropriations. Speakers: Hannah Risely-White, Deputy Director of the NM Interstate Stream Commission Norm Gaume, President, Middle Rio Grande Water Advocates and NM Water Ambassador. Register for the free event here

A Webinar on the Root Causes of Migration

Franciscan Action Network and the Franciscan Network for Migrants ik nvite you to join us for a webinar on Root Causes of Migration (Register here), Wednesday May 17 at 4-530 pm ET (2-330 pm MT). Our speakers, listed below, include an expert on the history of migration from a global perspective, an impacted person sharing […]

Laudato Si! Retreat (Mesilla Park)

It is no longer enough to speak only of the integrity of ecosystems. We have to dare to speak of the integrity of human life, of the need to promote and unify all the great values. Pope Francis Holy Cross Retreat Center 600 Holy Cross Road Mesilla Park, NM 88047 Led by Rev. Henry Atkins and […]

BLM Lease Auction Event in Carlsbad

The BLM will have a 3,000 acre lease auction on-line on public land in the Permian Basin on May 25. A coalition, including IPL NM & EL, is  planning an event to give a letter to BLM regarding No More Sacrifice Zones and concerns for sacred land, water, air, and climate and our communities and […]

Electrify New Mexico

Wondering what in the world a heat pump is, and which kinds are best for New Mexico? Want to know why waiting until the end of the year is a bad time to install solar in New Mexico? Concerned about health-harming gases in your kitchen? Want an EV, but don’t like the choices available for […]

BLM Lease Auction Event in Albuquerque

The BLM will have a 3,000 acre lease auction on-line on public land in the Permian Basin on May 25. A coalition, including IPL NM & EL, is  planning an event to give a letter to BLM regarding No More Sacrifice Zones and concerns for sacred land, water, air, and climate and our communities and […]

Monthly Earth Spirit Sharing

IPL is continuing its monthly Earth and Spirit sharing for support and deepening as we work to love and care for community and our Earth.  Sacred grounding and sharing is so important for the long haul loving work. Drawing inspiration from Johanna Macy’s, Work That Reconnects, join us for practices that support gratitude, honoring our pain […]


Shavuot, or Shavuos in some Ashkenazi usage, commonly known in English as the Feast of Weeks, is a Jewish holiday that occurs on the sixth day of the Hebrew month of Sivan. In the Bible, Shavuot marked the wheat harvest in the Land of Israel.