
Workshop with Fr. Christopher Amojo and parishioners at St. Cecilia Catholic Church in Jal, NM.

Responding to Pope Francis’s Call: Building a New Economy Rooted in Care for Creation

As COP27 comes to an end later this month, join us for a one-hour panel discussion focused on building a new economy rooted in care for creation. Learn about the “Economy of Francesco”, “a global gathering of young people determined to make the economy fair, sustainable, and inclusive.” The Vatican describes the Economy of Francesco as “a different […]

Choosing Mother Earth Book Study: Session 4

Based on the study of Choosing Earth by Duane Elgin. We offer this opportunity as an effort  to deepen spiritual grounding and engagement as we move deeper into climate change.  We will integrate learning, praxis, community building and engagement in change on personal and systemic levels. Holding the delicate balance of reality of grief at so much loss […]

High-level briefing on the Methane Emission Reduction Program (MERP)

The MERP as passed as part of the Inflation Reduction Act this summer. In this briefing, we’ll have folks from Sierra Club, EDF and CATF provide some more details on what MERP does do or charge, what it does not do, and lay out some of the possible engagement activities for you and your organizations, […]

Raindrop Foundation Invites You to Early Thanksgiving Dinner

You and your significant other (s) are invited to an  Early Thanksgiving Dinner at Raindrop Foundation (7901 Mountain Rd. NE Suite:A Albuquerque, NM 87110) Space is Limited.  RSVP is required Get Tickets ($10 each)  

Speaker Series: New Mexico’s Water Future

Equitably managing our water in a drying climate Water task force reccomendations & 2023 legislation “New Mexico enters 2023 in a water crisis.” “New Mexicans face hard choices about tradeoffs in a water-constrained future.”  “But with unprecedented peril comes unprecedented opportunity.”  These sentences from the Water Policy and Infrastructure Task Force report are the theme […]

A Screening of The Letter in El Paso, TX

St Luke Catholic Church  930 E Redd Rd, El Paso  (map) is excited to invite you to the premiere screening of the newly released film      THE LETTER A moving film that turns its lens on Pope Francis ‘encyclical, “Laudato Si”: On care for Our Common Home, and five individuals who are living this encyclical […]

Cool Congregations Committee Meeting

The public is invited to participate in this monthly meeting of the Cool Congregations Committee. The committee addresses solar power and sustainability issues.  Contact committee chair Michael Prine,>

National IPL: Post COP27 Webinar

You are invited to  join the National Interfaith Power & Light for a Post-COP27 Webinar Tuesday, December 6, 2022, at 7 p.m. ET/4 p.m. PT to learn about the accomplishments of the faith voice at COP27 and COP27 climate change highlights. Register here to sign-up for our COP27 Webinar Tuesday, December 6, 2022, at 7 […]