18th Annual Gila River Festival

This year's festival theme, One Water, Many Currents, will explore the many ways in which water connects us and is the common thread weaving together the Gila River watershed's human and ecological communities of the past, present and into the future. Nuevomexicana writer and biologist Leeanna Torres opens the festival on Thursday night, September 22nd […]

1st Annual Los Ranchos All Electric Car Show

Join the National Drive Electric Week for an opportunity to inspect a variety of all-electric vehicles and visit with their owners about EVs in general and their own EV in particular. Hartnett Park 6718 Rio Grande Blvd Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, NM 87107 Local dealers and vendors of EV related products will also be represented. […]

Food Challenges and Response to NM Wildfires

Join the Interfaith Hunger Coalition and The Food Depot (Santa Fe) online to learn about the impact of wildfires in New Mexico on food insecurity. Learn how local pantries, the Food Depot and others responded to the disaster. Our special guests are Jill Dixon, deputy director of the Food Depot, State Rep. Roger Montoya, Joseph […]

Learn About Kit Carson Rural Electric Co-op (KCEC)

Presented by Luis Reyes, CEO, Kit Carson Electric Coop Would You Like Cheaper Electric Rates and Cleaner Air? Tune in to hear how Kit Carson Rural Electric Co-op (KCEC) achieved the lowest Co-op rates in New Mexico with 100% solar-powered electricity on summer days. Your co-op can too! KCEC not only built its own solar […]

NMEPR-IPL Advocacy Committee Meeting

Everyone is welcome.  If you are not currently on the committee and would like to participate, contact committee chair Ruth Striegel, ruth.striegel@gmail.com to receive Zoom link.

Dinner of Abrahamic Traditions

Dialogue Institute Albuquerque cordially invites you to the Dinner of Abrahamic Traditions , featuring  a presentation of "Mother Mary in Abrahamic Traditions". Breaking Bread with friends and learning more about the faiths of others can lead to respect and dignity, breaking down the walls that divide and pit people against one another. Speakers: Rev. Dr. […]

Indigenous Land Back & Reparations Teshuvah Ceremony

With Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb & Adam Horowitz SABBATH MORNING OCTOBER 1 Fellow activists, artists, educators, cultural healers: join  others by the Rio Grande for a morning of Jewish Healing Ritual & Dance, Text and Conversation. This new year we ask: how can we live as good guests on Indigenous Land? Drawing upon the healing legacies […]

Choosing Mother Earth Book Study and Reflection: Session 1

Based on the study of Choosing Earth by Duane Elgin. We offer this opportunity as an effort  to deepen spiritual grounding and engagement as we move deeper into climate change.  We will integrate learning, praxis, community building and engagement in change on personal and systemic levels. Holding the delicate balance of reality of grief at so […]

#CutMethane Day of Action: Sharing our Methane Stories, Calling for Action

Members of Moms Clean Airforce, El Paso - New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light, Citizens Caring for the Future and Naeva have told powerful stories about how methane and smog pollution affect their leaders, members, communities, public health and the climate. These stories are the reason behind our call for strong methane and smog rules […]

Maggida on Sacred Ground: A Theater Piece with Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb

Co-sponsored with Nahalat Shalom Directed by Paul Ford, with live music by Adam Horowitz. In Celebration of Rabbi Lynn's Rabbinic Jubilee! Where: Nahalat Shalom     3606 Rio Grande Blvd Who: Limited to 80 people. RSVP in advance through Play in Sanctuary 4:30-5:45pm Potluck and celebration in Courtyard to follow from 5:45-6:30pm Suggested Donation:  $18 […]

How Faith Communities can Benefit from Inflation Reduction Act

The United Church of Christ has put together a webinar to explore how faith communities can benefit from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA )when it comes to both solar and energy efficiency. Almost nothing has been written about the implications of the IRA for nonprofit organizations.  Jerome Garciano,  author the Green Tax Incentive Compendium, will be […]