Restoring Nature: What People of Faith Can Do to Heal the Earth

Douglas Tallamy’s books have awakened thousands to the problem of wildlife decline and the solution that resides in habitat restoration. This is a solution of which you and your faith community can be a part. The solution can be as close as your backyard or the property surrounding your place of worship. In this webinar, […]

Speaker Series: Methane; Climate Change, Energy Transition

Preregister at LINK - no Facebook account necessary. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Description: “Methane: Climate Change, Energy Transition, Geopolitical Cudgel,” a Speaker Series talk by Dr. Anthony Ingraffea, the Dwight C. Baum Professor of Engineering, Emeritus, at Cornell University will be presented on Zoom. "Methane […]

Gender Inequality and Climate Displacement (Virtual Program)

Gender and climate are profoundly intertwined, and women bear the brunt of the impacts of both sudden and slow-onset climate disasters. This Thursday at 7 pm ET, on the final day of Women’s History Month, join an important conversation on the intersection of climate displacement, gender inequality, and forced migration.   SPEAKERS Krish O'Mara Vignarajah, […]

Ways of the Earth: Third Session

A series of Lenten reflections led by Claudio Carvalhaes, Associate Professor of Worship at Union Theological Seminary in New York City.This series, Ways of the Earth, builds upon traditional Catholic/Christian Stations of the Cross and integrates the suffering of our times and our planet with the suffering of Jesus. People of all faith traditions or […]

Primera Agua/First Water Celebration-Acequia Blessing

The Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District, South Valley Regional Association of Acequias and Center for Social and Sustainable Systems (CESOSS) invite you to a celebration of the start of the irrigation season, an acequia blessing at the Atrisco Acequia Madre heading, 3901 Central Ave. NW, followed by an acequia walk and talk.  Please join us […]

Camino de Vida Outdoor Worship

Servicio de Adoración en el jardín de Camino De Vida será el domingo 3 de abril a las 9:00 am. ¡Estamos comenzando nuestros primeros Servicios de Adoración del domingo temprano en este año 2022! Tendremos una pequeña fogata y cobijas: por favor, ustedes vístanse de acuerdo al clima. Worship service in the garden at Camino […]

Catholic Climate Covenant EcoSpirituality Nights (Sister Joan Brown Addreses Young Adults)

Sr. Joan Brown, osf, executive director of New Mexico El Paso Region Interfaith Power & Light, will share her thoughts on integral ecology and how spirituality must be a lens to guide work and shift worldviews as we address climate justice and the social, ecological and economic implications. Her first of two keynote addresses on […]

Learn About 300-Mile Walk to Support Rio Grande

Learn  about the 300 mile water walk along the Rio Grande watershed–from Santa Fe to its headwaters outside of Creede, Colorado. This month-long pilgrimage is dedicated to securing “rights of nature” and legal personhood for the Rio Grande Gorge watershed and its tributaries.    Read More Here To receive Zoom link, send a note to Todd […]

Interfaith Iftar-Seder (Virtual)

The Shalom Center and partner organizations invite you to a virtual "Iftar-Seder,” a gathering to eat and think together about our shared future in America. It will happen, by Zoom, from 7:30 to 9:30 Eastern time (4:30 to 6:30 Pacific) on the evening of Sunday, April 10. The Iftar-Seder is free. We welcome you to […]

Screenings of Youth v. Government Documentary

Screenings of the film Youth v. Government, either to an in-person or virtual audience. The national Interfaith Power & Light is promoting screenings of  the award-winning film as part of local celebrations of Faith Climate Action Week and join the community of people of faith preaching, teaching, and acting to heal the climate in 2022! […]