A Briefing on Carbon Pollution Reduction Opportunities, Guest Speaker: Senator Whitehouse

A Pivotal Time for Climate Action:  A Briefing on Carbon Pollution Reduction Opportunities With Guest Speaker: Senator Whitehouse The Supreme Court weakened our government’s ability to tackle the climate crisis. Now is the time for the Biden administration to take meaningful and immediate action. It’s essential we take full advantage of all the tools the […]

Rise from the Ashes

Las Vegas and Mora Celebrate the Resilience of our People, Culture, Land and Water at Plaza Park, Las Vegas, N.M. Sponsored by New Mexico Wild Live music from BANDALEGRE Horseshoe tournament and games - starting at 3pm    (Register Here) Raffle Comments from Las Vegas Mayor Louis A. Trujillo and other community leaders Food and drinks […]

Los Lunas Village Council Hearing on Niagara Water

  At the June 23rd meeting of the Los Lunas Village Council, Niagara’s request for approval to take 700 acre-feet/year of water from the aquifer under Valencia County was item #1 on the agenda. Seventy five (75!) people showed up to give public comment on this item. The Mayor was not going to allow anyone […]

Be Inspired! A Spotlight on Diocesan Laudato Si’ Efforts (Part 2)

In this online seminar you will hear from representatives from the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, the Diocese of San Diego, and the Diocese of Jolliet speak about: How their diocese became a "champion" for creation care, especially how their dioceses began this work, who was behind it, and how their "success" happened. Highlights of their major […]

“Encouraging Faith Communities to Vote – Sermons on the Importance of Voting”

Faith leaders understand the importance of using their prophetic voices to call the faithful to live by their most deeply-held values. In an election year, voting is one way that we can bring forth a world rooted in those values–values of justice, hope, courage, and love for all of God’s Creation, our Sacred Earth. But […]

Mass and Interfaith Discussion: 77th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombing of Nagasaki

Join Most Rev. John C. Wester, Archbishop of Santa Fe, for 5:15 p.m. Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi in Santa Fe, NM. His homily will be centered on his pastoral letter on nuclear disarmament, “Living in the Light of Christ's Peace: A Conversation Toward Nuclear Disarmament,” released on January 11, […]

A Community Prayer for Our Muslim Brothers

In the name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate. "And whoever saves a life, it is as though he had saved the lives of all mankind" (5:32). Please join the Islamic Center of New Mexico, , Interfaith, and Community leaders, as we raise our Prayers in remembrance of our four Muslim Brothers, whose lives were […]

A Day of Stillness

Sponsored by the New Mexico Conference of Churches at Norbertine Abbey, Premontre Commons Join Facilitator Lynne Hinton for a day of silence, journaling, and rest. Lunch will be served, fellowship shared. $30 To reserve your space: email Lynne: lynnehintonnm@aol.com 505.220.4594

Webinar: Water and Environmental Justice

The next Creation Justice webinar by the United Church of Christ features special guest Lynn Thorp who serves as the National Campaigns Director for Clean Water Action. She will discuss how we can make effective and equitable strides in reducing water pollution, including exposure to toxic substances such as the PFAS chemicals found in almost […]

NMEPR-IPL Advocacy Committee Meeting

Everyone is welcome.  If you are not currently on the committee and would like to participate, contact committee chair Ruth Striegel, ruth.striegel@gmail.com to receive Zoom link.

Celebrate Caja del Rio’s Culture, Land, Water, and Wildlife

Learn about the cultural and ecological significance of the Caja And the ongoing efforts to protect it Free tacos    Free beer tickets   Music, games, and Caja Storyboard presentation Santa Fe Brewing Company- The Beer Hall at HQ 35 Fireplace Santa Fe, NM 87508 RSVP Here Sponsored by New Mexico Wild and the Caja del Rio […]