Support New Mexico’s Voting Rights Act (A Virtual Rally)
The #NMVotingRightsAct expands voting access to New Mexicans to safely & equitably cast a vote. Event on Facebook Live RSVP Here
The #NMVotingRightsAct expands voting access to New Mexicans to safely & equitably cast a vote. Event on Facebook Live RSVP Here
Updates on climate & environmental initiatives in the New Mexico State Legislature. The public is invited to attend. Sent a note to committee chair Ruth Striegel,, to get a Zoom link.
The public is invited to observe To receive a Zoom link, contact Sister Joan Brown
Updates on climate & environmental initiatives in the New Mexico State Legislature. The public is invited to attend. Sent a note to committee chair Ruth Striegel,, to get a Zoom link.
This is a COVID-safe event, and all participants will be asked to keep a safe distance and wear a mask. The event will take place on the east side of the Roundhouse (the side facing the old PERA building). Tabling will take place from 11am - 1pm, speaking will take place from 12pm - 1pm. […]
Updates on energy efficiency and solar projects. The public is invited to attend. Send a note to Ann McCartney,, to get a Zoom link.
The Albuquerque Center for Peace & Justice invites you to its Wellness Wednesday, featuring Judy Bierbaum, LPCC. The gathering would be especially useful for those seeking to center and find a deeper grounding in order to become a force of love and light in the world. The virtual event will be held over Zoom Register […]
First Congregational United Church of Christ in Albuquerque will host an online forum to explore climate despair and climate hope during a discussion co-sponsored by WISE (Welcoming, Inclusive, Supportive, Engaging), Green Justice, and Racial Justice. Rather than presenting depressing statistics, we will encourage participants to share what gives them hope, such as the commitment of […]
Finding Common Ground Among Science, Spirituality, and Environmentalism: How Can Spiritual and Faith-Based Knowledge Systems Inform the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise? Register here
The Greater Chaco Landscape has been under siege for far too long -- Over 91% of available public lands are already leased for oil and gas with over 40,000 fracking wells across the landscape. Now, the @Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is proposing to protect a 10-mile buffer around Chaco Culture National Historical Park from […]
Presented by Isabel Jenniches and Claudia Reynoso Sponsored by 350 New Mexico Restoring soil health holds the promise of reversing climate change by drawing down carbon from the atmosphere, and rebalancing the water cycle in our arid environment. It’s a simple and effective solution to a multitude of fundamental problems caused by exploitative and extractive […]
Two experts from the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) present on the recent policy reports . The report has big implications for New Mexico as our policy debates continue on the future of “Blue” Hydrogen. Specifically, IEEFA will present on: (1) The important choices that states must make about the energy transition; […]