A Good Friday Walk Towards Peace

Walk the Way of the Cross at the Norbertine Center, 5825 Coors Blvd SW, Albuquerque, NM. Using this document as your guide, spend some time Good Friday in a pilgrimage at the abbey. Joseph Sandoval, President of NMCC has created this devotional using Archbishop John Wester's 2019 Pastoral Letter on Nonviolence as the tool to […]

The Buddhism and Ecology Summit: Living the Dharma in a Time of Crisis

The ecological crisis isn’t a future threat. It is our present reality. For thousands of years, Buddhist teachings have provided tools for awakening to the reality of what is—including life’s inherent impermanence, uncertainty and suffering. How can the dharma help us to better understand and address the predicament we currently find ourselves in? What do […]

 #Faith4Earth: How People of Faith are Caring for Creation this Earth Day

For more than 40 years, Columban missionaries have been at the forefront of protecting the environment from destructive practices and promoting sustainable alternatives. Our experience of living with the natural world and with marginalized and exploited communities has inspired us to seek ways to restore right relationships with all of God’s creation. Over those 40 […]

An Iftar Meal with Albuquerque Turkish Community

The Dialogue Institute & Raindrop Foundation (Turkish community in Albuquerque) will host the Interfaith Hunger Coalition and New Mexico-El Paso Interfaith Power & Light for an iftar dinner, at 7901 Mountain Rd NE, Albuquerque. An iftar is a meal shared by Muslims at the end of a day fasting during the season of Ramadan. Please […]

Oil, Gas, Permian Basin and the War in Ukraine

Citizens Caring for the Future hosts a conversation with Tom Singer, Ph.D, Senior Policy Advisor, Western Environmental Law Center about world and local implications of the war in Ukraine, oil and gas.  Interfaith Power and Light, New Mexico & El Paso Region folks are invited to join.  Please contact Carlos  at carlos@nm-ipl.org to sign up […]

Faith Climate Action Week 2022

Nurture your love of the earth and your children and grandchildren by taking part in Interfaith Power & Light’s Faith Climate Action Week.  This is IPL’s annual program of climate-themed worship services and sermons that spans ten days of activities in celebration of Earth Month. This is IPL’s premier event to create a mass movement […]

Planting the Seed: Earth Day Prayer Service, Mesilla Park

Interfaith Prayer Service for Earth Day Included with this will be a special prayer for peace in Ukraine and care for all the people involved. The retreat center is located at 600 Holy Cross Rd, Mesilla Park, NM 88047    

Earth Day Events at Holy Cross Retreat Center, Mesilla Park, NM

10-3 Join in painting an outdoor mural10:00 Appreciating plants and animals in the desert10:30 Ways to conserve water11:00 What is the Tierra Sagrada seed library?11:30 Pruning roses and caring for tools12:00 Appreciating our parks12:30 Solar panels, composting, free hollyhock seeds1:00 Planting and caring for trees and bushes1:30 See an electric car and what it’s like […]

Earth Week at Caja del Rio Cleanup

Make a difference as responsible stewards of creation Meet at La Cieneguilla Petroglyph Site on HWY 56 Bring work gloves      Lunch provided All are welcome