Creation Justice Webinar: The U.S. Government’s 50 Year Role in Causing the Climate Crisis

  The next Creation Justice Webinar will feature one of the leading voices in environmentalism over recent decades: James Gustave Speth. Among his many accomplishments, Speth served the Carter administration, founded the Natural Resources Defense Council, and spent ten years as Dean of the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. This month he has […]

FORUM2021 Sacred Food ~ Blessed Earth

FORUM2021 Sacred Food ~ Blessed Earth explores the ancient, respectful and regenerative ways of farming practices and our spiritual relationship to food by focusing on the Earth as an interconnected web of life. FREE REGISTRATION ~ Donations welcome! A moral and spiritual voice is essential in the transition away from the industrialized, fossil fuel and chemical intensive, […]

Green Team Summit 2021

A  3-night immersive and interactive virtual journey into healing. We often live in a place of disconnect from our communities, history, land, food, spirit, and bodies. These disconnects are the root causes of the environmental and social crisis we face. Join us for this summit to practice ways we can heal these broken connections during […]

NM-IPL Board Meeting

Members of the public are invited to participate as observers in the monthly meeting of the board of directors of New Mexico Interfaith Power & Light.  To attend, send a request for a Zoom link to

International Day of Peace

Every year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on September 21. Join us for this year’s festivities at the Peace Center on Sunday, Sept. 19, from 12-8pm.  At Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice  202 Harvard SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106 USA Beginning at 12:30pm, activities include PAJOLA group presentations, and this year’s theme, […]

Hope in a Time of Climate Change

Featuring Lisa Wells, author of Believers: Making a Life at the End of the World, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2021. She will join us for an online conversation about faithfulness and hope in a time of Climate Crisis – with Todd Wynward, Mennonite Minister for Watershed Discipleship and author of Rewilding the Way: Break Free […]

NM-IPL Advocacy Committee Meeting

The Advocacy Committee of New Mexico Interfaith Power & Light will discuss legislative actions and background on important issues.  For more information contact Ruth Striegel,

Film Screening & Discussion: Thirst for Justice

Join New Mexico Environmental Law Center & Museum of Indian Arts & Culture  @MIACSantaFe for a special film screening + talk of #ThirstForJustice by filmmaker Leana Hosea @leanahosea This will be an online event Members of Eastern Navajo Diné Against Uranium Mining (ENDAUM) will also be speaking about their petition to the Inter-American Commission on […]

Faith Communities Organizing for Climate Action

Join a conversation on how faith communities organize around environmental concerns, including helping launch the environment justice movement. Local and national faith leaders will discuss what is working in faith organizing and what lessons faith communities can teach the broader climate movement. Friday, October 15, Starts at Noon Eastern Time, 10:00 Mountain Time Speakers Dr. […]

Feast of St. Francis: Working Together to Heal the Earth

How can we work together to help heal the Earth? Join St. John XXIII Catholic Community online  for “Ecological Conversion: Called to Tend to a Flourishing Garden of Life.” Learn about Pope Francis’ invitation to start a 7-year  journey to sustainability and bring the encyclical Laudato Si’ to life. Email for Zoom link