Webinar: Science, Spirituality and Environmentalism

Finding Common Ground Among Science, Spirituality, and Environmentalism: How Can Spiritual and Faith-Based Knowledge Systems Inform the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise? Register here

Provide a Public Comment to #ProtectChaco

The Greater Chaco Landscape has been under siege for far too long -- Over 91% of available public lands are already leased for oil and gas with over 40,000 fracking wells across the landscape. Now, the @Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is proposing to protect a 10-mile buffer around Chaco Culture National Historical Park from […]

Growing Climate Solutions in Healthy Soil

Presented by Isabel Jenniches and Claudia Reynoso Sponsored by 350 New Mexico Restoring soil health holds the promise of reversing climate change by drawing down carbon from the atmosphere, and rebalancing the water cycle in our arid environment. It’s a simple and effective solution to a multitude of fundamental problems caused by exploitative and extractive […]

IEEFA Blue Hydrogen Economics & Finance Briefing (Virtual)

Two experts from the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) present on the recent policy reports .  The report has big implications for New Mexico as our policy debates continue on the future of “Blue” Hydrogen.  Specifically, IEEFA will present on: (1)  The important choices that states must make about the energy transition; […]

NMEPR-IPL Advocacy Committee

Updates on important climate & environmental initiatives. The public is invited to attend. Sent a note to committee chair Ruth Striegel, ruth.striegel@gmail.com, to get a Zoom link.

Ways of the Earth: First Session

A series of Lenten reflections led by Claudio Carvalhaes, Associate Professor of Worship at Union Theological Seminary in New York City.This series, Ways of the Earth, builds upon traditional Catholic/Christian Stations of the Cross and integrates the suffering of our times and our planet with the suffering of Jesus. People of all faith traditions or […]

Water Prayer at Rio Grande with Algonquin Elder Grandmother Nancy

Rio Grande at Campbell.  Park on Trellis St, and meet at the kiosk with Eagle on the way to the river. Bring a chair or blanket if you want   Grandmother Nancy is of Algonquin and French heritage and has followed the Red Road since childhood. A Sundancer and a Sacred Pipe carrier, she is […]

Interfaith Forest of Bliss Tree Plantings

Valle de Oro Project through ABQ Wildlife Federation Sat. March 5, Sun. March 6 Register through ABQ Wildlife Federation by contacting cameron@riograndereturn. Limit 20.. For more information about volunteer tree planting opportunities now and into spring contact Ann Mccartney.

Camino De Vida Outdoor Worship

Nuestro próximo Servicio de Adoración en el jardín de Camino De Vida será el domingo 6 de marzo a las 9:00 am. ¡Estamos comenzando nuestros primeros Servicios de Adoración del domingo temprano en este año 2022! Tendremos una pequeña fogata y cobijas: por favor, ustedes vístanse de acuerdo al clima. Our next worship service in […]

How to Finance a Solar Power System for Your Congregation

Learn how a faith community or non-profit organization can set up a financing scheme to install a solar power system via Collective Sun.  The featured presenter is Nicole Withrow, accout manager at Collective Sun.  Here is the Zoom link for the one-hour presentation on Wednesday, March 9, at Noon Mountain Time. Please RSVP to Tom […]

In Memoriam: 1,000,000 Lives Lost to COVID-19

          A solemn remembrance in music and light and silent contemplation SUNSET TOLLING OF THEBOURDON BELL6:00-9:00 PM CHURCH DOORS ARE OPEN1,000 FAROLITOS ARE LIGHTEDALL ARE WELCOME SHRINE OF THE LITTLE FLOWERST. THERESE CATHOLIC PARISH 3424 4th Street Northwest, Albuquerque, New Mexico