Environmental Racism in New Mexico

A forum hosted by the Green Justice and Racial Justice committees at First Congregational Church United Church of Christ in Albuquerque. The featured presenter , Dr. Myrriah Gomez of the UNM Honors College, will discuss how environmental racism has affected New Mexico. Myrriah’s current book project, Nuclear Nuevo México: Identity, Ethnicity, and Resistance in Atomic […]

A Discussion of Climate Solutions 101: Part 3

On June 14, 21, and 28, we will watch and discuss Climate Solutions 101 from Project Drawdown, an educational program focused on solutions to the climate crisis. Climate Solutions 101 is the world’s first major educational effort focused solely on solutions. Rather than rehashing well-known climate challenges, Project Drawdown centers game-changing climate action based on […]

Clearing the Air Conservation Series

Making sense of climate change, air pollution, and energy development in New Mexico A Four-Part Virtual Conversation Series Episode 1 - Community, Climate, and Methane Join this discussion on how oil and gas pollution and the resulting climate change is already impacting New Mexicans and what we can do about it. Our host rancher and […]

A Conversation with Sandra Postel, Stockholm Water Prize Laureate

On KUNM-AM Radio's "New Mexico People, Places and Ideas" Corrales resident Sandra Postel is the winner of the Stockholm Water Prize, considered the Nobel Prize for water is a special guest on this program on Friday morning.  Host Stephen Spitz will begin the discussion with Ms. Postel’s latest book, "Replenish—the Virtuous Cycle of Water and […]

NM-IPL Board Meeting

Members of the public are invited to participate as observers in the monthly meeting of the board of directors of New Mexico Interfaith Power & Light.  To attend, send a request for a Zoom link to joan@nm-ipl.org

NM-IPL Advocacy Committee Meeting

The committee meets monthly. Everyone is invited to be on the list to get notes and invitations for actions or attend the meetings. If you would like to attend, send a note to joan@nm-ipl.org to get the Zoom link.

Other Side of the Hill: A New Film

OTHER SIDE OF THE HILL is a new film that will be available this summer through IPL for free congregational screenings and individual viewing at home. Sign up to get a reminder to register on July 1. The film is a hopeful, inspiring look at local leaders on the ground in rural America who are […]

Cool Congregations/Green Team Committee Meeting

Via Zoom. Proposed Agenda - Centering - Visioning about what our committee wants to focus on - Plans for Cool Congregation Challenge outreach (I will have congregation outreach assignments for you, ready by our meeting) - Next GTG? At the Precipice may end up being the focus for our annual meeting, so not sure if that should/needs to […]

Laudato Si’ and the U.S. Catholic Church

A Conference Series on Our Common Home Registration is also open for a free conference on faithfully protecting our common home. Laudato Si’ and the U.S. Catholic Church: A Conference Series on Our Common Home (LSUS) is a biennial conference series co-sponsored by the Catholic Climate Covenant, its 20 Catholic partners, and Creighton University to […]

Green Amendment Day

Green Amendments For The Generations is launching National Green Amendment Day, featuring special actions that folks can take to spread the word as well as a virtual panel discussion with environmental justice leaders from across the nation at 5:00pm MT. Register here   Panelists and Speakers include: Kim Gaddy, Founder and Director of the South […]

Air Quality Board Meeting (Asphalt Plant in San Jose Neighborhood)

The Mountain View Neighborhood Association and Mountain View Community Action along with representative petitioners Lauro Silva and Nora Garcia filed a petition to the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Air Quality Control Board asking for a hearing regarding the permitting of a proposed hot mix asphalt batch plant which is slated to be built at 9615 Broadway […]

Webinar: Climate-Smart Solutions from Rural America and Native Nations

The Aspen Institute will host their next Rural Opportunity and Development Session entitled, Pathfinders: Climate-Smart Solutions from Rural America and Native Nations. The impacts of climate change are worsening the already disproportionate burdens placed on rural people and Native Nations. In the face of these simultaneous global and hyper-local challenges, rural America and Native nations […]