Walking with Earth: A Journey of Reciprocal Healing

(Virtual, but involves time outdoors) As part of our Earth Month celebration, NM IPL seeks to give space for the grief we all have shared throughout the last year and beyond as we've witnessed the effects climate change has had on our beloved New Mexico wilderness. All ages are invited to join for this day […]

Ramadan Community Meal

The Albuquerque Islamic Center has set aside a few Saturdays during the holy month of Ramadan to share an iftar (fast-breaking) meal  with members of faith communities of the Abrahamic tradition. Sharing meals at the time of breaking the fast is a highly recommended act of God.  The center can accommodate up to 30 guests. […]

NM-IPL Forest of Bliss Committee Meeting

The Forest of Bliss committee will meet to discuss ongoing projects related to tree planting in Albuquerque and elsewhere in New Mexico. The public is invited. To receive a Zoom link, send a request to committee chair Ann McCartney, asims98891@aol.com

Climate Reality Northern New Mexico meeting

Climate Reality Northern New Mexico meeting. Get info on how to join the group and attend the online meeting by emailing     climaterealitynnm@gmail.com

Better Success with Tree Planting

A Congregation Albert Green Team Class in Celebration of Earth Day Month You are invited to join renowned Albuquerque arborists Eric Bishop and Joran Viers for a short class (on Zoom) on how to plant trees to thrive in Albuquerque. Eric Bishop: Current Senior Partner of Root to Shoot Urban Forestry, CEO ISA Certified Arborist […]

Break Free from Plastic Pollution Act: A Local Panel Discussion

Eldorado/285 Recycles, an environmental and recycling organization located in Santa Fe County NM, is hosting the streaming of two documentaries over a 4-day period (April 26-30): The Story of Plastic (trailer) and New Mexicans Taking Action on Plastic Waste (trailer) and a panel discussion. The panelists will discuss how we can support the proposed federal legislation – […]

National IPL Virtual Conference

Healing and Belonging Through Our Stories A conference is for all IPL Staff, Board, and Steering Committee Members This will be a powerful, unifying tool that connects people, breaks down barriers, and heals wounds. When we understand our individual and collective stories and the roles we are capable of engaging in, we can begin to heal the wounds of the past […]

Information Leading to Transformation (Part 1)

Sponsored by TiLT Facilitators will provide rich resources so that participants can dive deeper and be ready to respond the next week to the question: How might this information inspire me to make changes in my life and community? Todd Wynward and Daniel ‘Ryno’ Herrera of TiLT will offer a multi-media presentation full of inspirational […]

NM-IPL Monthly Board Meeting

Members of the public are invited to participate as observers in the monthly meeting of the board of directors of New Mexico Interfaith Power & Light.  To attend, send a request for a Zoom link to joan@nm-ipl.org

Ramadan Dialogue & Friendship Iftar (Fast-Breaking) Dinner 2021

Please join the Raindrop Foundation and the Dialogue Institute for the Virtual Ramadan Dialogue & Friendship Iftar (fast-breaking) Dinner 2021 on Tuesday, May 11th at 7 pm. Important Info: This year we will pick up our food packages from Raindrop with masks while socially distancing anytime between 5-7 pm and then we will have our […]

NM-IPL Advocacy Committee Meeting

A review of recent and future legislative initiatives. To join the meeting, send a note to committee chair Ruth Striegel, ruth.striegel@gmail.com

Explorations in Justice: The Tewa Native American Experience

Learn from our speaker about the experience of the Tewa Pueblo people. Discuss how we are called as Catholics to support our brothers and sisters. Sponsored by St. John XXIII Catholic Community. All are welcome to join us! Contact 293-0088 or dre@johnxxiii.org to sign up and get your zoom invitation.