‘Other Side of the Hill’ (Online Screening)

Film and discussion on how wind, solar, and other creative initiatives can revitalize and renew rural communities. Hosted by New Mexico Interfaith Power & Light, 350 New Mexico, Citizens Caring for the Future and Renew New Mexico Register Here About the film Emmy nominated "Other Side of the Hill" explores the impacts of a changing […]

EarthCare Presentation: Environmental Challenges for Indigenous Peoples in New Mexico

Elder Dr. June L. Lorenzo, Laguna Pueblo and Diné, a member of the Laguna United Presbyterian Church will reflect on the environmental challenges facing Indigenous peoples here in New Mexico.  Her comments will focus on the impact of the nuclear fuel cycle in our state.  She will also reflect on some of the social and political realities […]

Mission: Joy–Finding Happiness in Troubled Times

From National IPL Working for climate justice we all get tired and frustrated - here's a film to encourage us along the way. Many are familiar with the book, and now there's a movie. IPL has been given this special opportunity to show it to our list before wide release. Consider offering this opportunity to […]

Learn More About the EPA Methane Rules

Join us on Zoom to learn more about the Environmental Protection Agency's new rules regulating methane gas.  The presentation will be led by Joan Brown, osf, Odile Coirer, fmm, from NMEP-IPL and Kayley Shoup from Citizens Caring for the Future. They will discuss the rule changes, why they are important and what we can do […]

Alternative Christmas Fair (St. Andrew Presbyterian Church)

Marketplace & Silent Auction Beautiful donated items including jewelry, crystal, pottery, art, an antique high chair, and much more are part of a silent auction that will help build a Habitat for Humanity House. Other giving supports the Heifer Project, Family Promise, Fathers Building Futures, Sabeel, and other nonprofit organizations. Please help others have a […]

Pilgrimage in Place

New Mexico Pilgrimage for Unity invites you to a A Self-Designed Offering of Gratitude Share gratitude as a pilgrim: Walk, Pray, Give Thanks Include others or walk alone...walk 1, 2 or all 3 days; shorter or longer distances; consider walking with friends from other faith communities; seek unity.  You design your offering of gratitude. Focus […]

Advent Family Retreat

The Holy Cross Retreat Center in Mesilla Park, NM, invites you to prepare to celebrate Advent and Christmas more  fully as Catholics. There will be special activities and prayer times to help us appreciate both the history and the richness of  these seasons. There is a special family rate, and don’t let finances keep you […]

Green Amendment: A Hot Topic Briefing and Fundraiser

Representative Tara Lujan and Representative Joanne Ferrary invite you to join them at the Jean Cocteau Cinema for an exciting evening of an Environmental Hot Topic Briefing for New Mexico. This event will discussion around important environmental topics in New Mexico and featuring the NM Green Amendment movement. The Founder of the Green Amendment, Maya […]

Unveiling and Blessing of a Sign of Peace

Archbishop John Wester will offer his blessing and dedication at the Unveiling and Blessing of a Sign of Peace at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe (her largest shrine in the USA) in downtown Santa Fe, NM, at the intersection of Guadalupe and Alameda Streets. The location has added significance in that less than […]