Climate Crisis: A New Mexico Virtual Film Festival

FREE EVENT with Films & Conversation about Addressing Climate Disruption Click here to watch on Zoom Click here to watch on Channel 27 Agenda Moderators: Antoinette Sedillo Lopez and Dede Feldman   11:00 am Video: The Pale Blue Dot 11:03 am Welcome and NM Climate Crisis Film Festival Overview 11:08 am CAVU Film: Polluted Future […]

Fossil Free Future National Day of Action at UNM

UNM LEAF (Leaders for Environmental Action and Foresight) has been organizing and calling on UNM to divest from fossil fuels, update their climate plan, and go to a zero waste campus for years now. The University could be a leader on climate in the state, however, UNM has NOT taken concrete action on climate. Enough […]

COP 26

The twenty-sixth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 26) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will be hosted by the United Kingdom, in partnership with Italy. The summit, which will take place from Oct. 31 to Nov. 12, will bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of […]

Day of Prayer for Senator Manchin

West Virginia Interfaith Power & Light invites all of us to a day of prayer for Senator Joe Manchin on Oct. 31-Nov. 1 (All Saints Day for some). The actions or inactions of Senator Manchin and our leaders in relation to protecting the environment and mitigating climate change affect not only the people he represents, […]

Join us Online for NM-IPL Annual Meeting

Acting for Sister Water: A Soul Emergency The climate crisis is a soul crisis and sister water is at the heart of our work. She has wisdom to share and lessons to teach. Our event begins with a Hopi water blessing and reflection with Terry Sloan. We are pleased to have a wonderful panel Laura […]

Veterans for Peace Climate Rally

Veterans For Peace (Chapter 63 Albuquerque) and the Climate Crisis & Militarism Project invite you to participate in an event to highlight the U.S. military’s contribution to climate change. No organization in the world emits more greenhouse gases than the Pentagon. We veterans and our allies can have something to say about this! Place: SE […]

Speak Out For Clean Air in the Greater Chaco Region

The New Mexico Environment Department is kicking off a virtual and public hearing today to decide whether to approve permits for oil and gas companies to keep polluting northwest New Mexico's Greater Chaco region. The Department will be asking for public comment at 12 noon and 5 PM. Just show up virtually via Zoom and […]

Confronting White Christian Nationalism

How White supremacy has served as a threat to our democracy and faith and how we move forward Featuring Mark Charles, an activist, pastor, 2020 presidential candidate, and author. The son of an American woman (of Dutch heritage) and a Navajo man, born in Gallup, NM, Mark teaches the complexities of American history regarding race, […]

New Mexico Green Amendment Public Meeting

The NM Green Amendment team will host an update on efforts to pass a Green Amendment  in New Mexico and report on tremendous progress in anticipation of the 2022 Legislative Session. Please register for the meeting here: and share this notice with your networks! Organizers will  provide a quick Green Amendment 101 for any […]

Blue Hydrogen Briefing

Confused about blue vs green hydrogen? This talk by Tom Solomon, co-coordinator of 350 New Mexico, will get you up to speed on the sources and "colors" of hydrogen and where hydrogen should and should NOT be used in our energy system and why. We'll also cover the risks of the NM proposal to convert […]