National Interfaith Power & Light Celebrates 20th Anniversary

Interfaith Power & Light is celebrating 20 years of existence with a free online celebration. This event will feature stories from IPL affiliates, music, and The Most Rev. Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church. Get your free ticket here  

Religious Communities and the Planetary Crisis

The Interreligious Eco-Justice Network, the Hartford Seminary, and CT Interfaith Power & Light are proud to bring you the second webinar in our collaborative series, Many Faiths, One Creation. Religious Communities and the Planetary Crisis will examine the response of the faith communities to the climate crisis from the Christian, Jewish, and Hindu perspective. We […]

2021 Legislative Review: Climate & Energy

Please join a special panel discussion of progress on climate action from the 2021 NM Legislative Session. This is a joint 350 Santa Fe/350 New Mexico event. Panelists include: -Senator Antoinette Sedillo Lopez -Representative Andrea Romero -Camilla Feibelman, Dir. Sierra Club, Rio Grande chapter Outline agenda 10:00 am Welcome 10:10 am Intro remarks: 350 NM […]

Exploring the Doctrine of Discovery

St. John XXIII Catholic Community (Social Concerns and Adult Faith Formation Committees) will host a special presentation on Native American Justice. The event featuring Rev. Anita Amstutz will focus on the Doctrine of Discovery which was initiated in the 15th century by papal bulls and is still being used in courts today. This is an […]

IPL Webinar: How to request and organize a virtual legislative meeting

IPL Federal Policy Associate Jonathan Lacock-Nisly will provide an overview and some tips on how to coordinate the meeting, organize a powerful group of speakers, and follow-up appropriately. We’ll also provide some general lobbying tips and an overview of the federal infrastructure bill that we’ll be lobbying on.    We’ll keep the presentation short and allow […]

NM-IPL Monthly Board Meeting

Members of the public are invited to participate as observers in the monthly meeting of the board of directors of New Mexico Interfaith Power & Light.  To attend, send a request for a Zoom link to

NM-IPL Advocacy Committee Meeting

Members of the public are invited to participate in the monthly meeting of the advocacy committee  of New Mexico Interfaith Power & Light. To attend, send a request for a Zoom link to committee chair Ruth Striegel,

Citizens Caring for the Future Virtual Community Event

For those living in the Permian Basin to explore health impacts of oil and gas and what might be done. If you do not live in SE NM, but have relatives or friends who do....please invite them. This is only for people in SE NM. Registration required.  Contact Kayley Shoup

Annual Week of Climate Action (Nationally and in New Mexico)

In New Mexico we make this a month of inspiration, learning and action in faith communities. The theme is Sacred Ground: Cultivating Connections between Faith, Food, and Climate. Resources, worship guides and more coming soon. Register here    

Coming Back to Life

Honoring Those we Lost and Celebrating a New Chance We cordially invite you to join New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light as we reflect and honor those we lost this past year and reflect on carrying them with us as we learn to move forward. Saturday, April 17, 2021   Graves Park 820 Cutler Ave NW […]