Faith Communities Organizing for Climate Action

Join a conversation on how faith communities organize around environmental concerns, including helping launch the environment justice movement. Local and national faith leaders will discuss what is working in faith organizing and what lessons faith communities can teach the broader climate movement. Friday, October 15, Starts at Noon Eastern Time, 10:00 Mountain Time Speakers Dr. […]

Feast of St. Francis: Working Together to Heal the Earth

How can we work together to help heal the Earth? Join St. John XXIII Catholic Community online  for “Ecological Conversion: Called to Tend to a Flourishing Garden of Life.” Learn about Pope Francis’ invitation to start a 7-year  journey to sustainability and bring the encyclical Laudato Si’ to life. Email for Zoom link

Meet the New Director of the New Mexico Conference of Churches

The New Mexico Interfaith Dialogue will be having a meeting on Zoom on Thursday October 21st, 7:00 pm -8:30 pm. Our speaker will be Rev. Lynne Hinton, Director of the NM Conference of Churches since July 2021. Lynne, an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ with a Masters of Divinity from Pacific School […]

Sacred Fire Retreat

This retreat sponsored by the Holy Cross Retreat Center in Mesilla Park,  N.M., will review the themes of the book by Ronald  Rolheiser, in which he examines the phases of youth, adulthood, and later life when we  can give back. The retreat went very well  last year and interested parties are encouraged to attend this […]

Day of Prayer and Action for Oak Flat

Join the Apache Stronghold and people from around the world in an all-day Day of Prayer and Action for Oak Flat! You're invited to an open Repair Network "Prayer and Action" call on Friday, October 22nd from 12-1 p.m. PT/ 3-4 p.m. ET, the day of a major court hearing for our Indigenous partners protecting Oak […]

Saving Us: A Climate Scientist’s Case for Hope & Healing

A conversation with Dr. Katharine Hayhoe Sponsored by the McClendon Scholar Program at The New York Avenue Presbyterian Church   You're invited to join with the Washington, D.C., area IPL and New York Avenue Presbyterian Church's McClendon Scholar Program to a special online dialogue with Dr. Katharine Hayhoe. Dr. Hayhoe, a prominent client scientist and […]

Build Back Better Update (National IPL)

A Field Call with the entire Interfaith Power & Light team to discuss progress on the Build Back Better Act, where we go from here, and what we can do in this final push. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm and other exciting, soon to be announced, speakers will join the call. To sign up and get […]

Lament with Earth

Thursday, October 28 7:30-8:30 pm (Eastern) • via Zoom “We know and feel in our bones that something primal is amiss. Our extended home is being eroded. It is essential that we stop and recognize these respond with sorrow, outrage and apology at these places touched by so much loss.” So many of us […]

Cleanup on the Caja del Rio (Near Santa Fe)

What does it mean to be responsible stewards of God's creation? How do we model this to younger generations? The Caja del Rio is one of the most remarkable landscapes and wildlife habitats in North America. Unfortunately, it has also become the spot of enormous illegal dumping and where people and businesses leave their trash. […]