Green Team Gathering: Learn How to Use Cool Congregations Calculator

All current Green Teams or dedicated Green Individuals, or aspiring Green Teams, are invited to join NM-IPL to participate in our first-ever (and recurring) Green Team Gathering. At this inaugural gathering, you will learn how to use the Cool Congregations Calculator to calculate your faith community's current energy usage, and then we will discuss, in […]

Tree Planting to Honor COVID-19 Victims

As part of the Forest of Bliss campaign, five trees will be planted  in Graves Park, 820 Cutler Ave NW & 9th St, Albuquerque, NM 87102 (map) to honor those who have died of COVID-19. A bronze plaque will be placed at the site, and an interfaith prayer service with social distancing will precede the […]

A Year of Renewal: Illuminate with Solar in 2021

Learn about solar basics and how everyday sunshine can be harnessed to benefit your organization. CollectiveSun’s solar gurus will be on hand to answer any and all of your questions regarding solar energy and CollectiveSun’s unique financing solution that allows nonprofits to enjoy a 12% or more tax-like benefit and pick from a host of […]

Nurturing Soil for a Healthy Climate

Fidel Gonzalez & Matthew Draper will share strategies to steward soil health for farm production and climate health. Fidel Gonzalez has been farming since 2009, is a graduate of the AFSC training program, and the president of Agri-Cultura Network. He will share his experience learning from farmers in India who use no-till methods and his […]

IPL Lobby Training Webinar

This free one-hour webinar will be geared towards beginners, but will have tips and information that is helpful to everyone. Join Interfaith Power & Light to learn some tips for setting up meetings with your elected officials and lobbying for climate action. Lobbied before? Join us to brush up on your lobbying skills. We’ll have experts […]

An Interfaith Eco-Justice Series–Sacred Land: Food and Farming (4th Session)

Join NM IPL for an eight-week interfaith/interspiritual series on Food and Farming exploring the connection between spirituality and caring for the land. In (virtual) community with others, you will learn how food and farming practices affect the climate crisis, marginalized communities, and even your own health and spiritual wellbeing. You will explore practical ways to […]

VIRTUAL: Embodied Nonviolence: Loving Fiercely and Acting Justly

This weekend virtual gathering sponsored by Ghost Ranch invites you to first learn skills for body centered regulation where you will discover your strongest and most effective voice. Secondly, we will work to look at our own shortcomings so to allow us to own our complicity in systemic racism so we can be truly free […]

An Interfaith Eco-Justice Series–Sacred Land: Food and Farming (5th Session)

Join NM IPL for an eight-week interfaith/interspiritual series on Food and Farming exploring the connection between spirituality and caring for the land. In (virtual) community with others, you will learn how food and farming practices affect the climate crisis, marginalized communities, and even your own health and spiritual wellbeing. You will explore practical ways to […]

Womxn Act for Climate Justice -International Women’s Day

Womxn Act for Climate Justice will host an online event  highlighting the struggles and solutions of womxn climate leaders in the WECAN network. During the interactive gathering, organizers look forward to sharing with you inspiring updates from WECAN regional coordinators and allies, as well as exploring some of our plans and vision for 2021 and […]

IT’S OUR WATER! Town Hall on Zoom

Event by Valencia Water Watchers - Page and SouthWest Organizing Project The Village of Los Lunas has allowed two HUGE corporate water guzzlers to build in Village property -- Niagara Water Bottling, LLC and Facebook (huge consumer of water to cool their Data Center buildings). Both corporations have come before the Village Council this year […]

The Cross, Nonviolence, and Creation Care

The second session of  the series on the Cross and Nonviolence will focus on Creation Care. Hosted online by Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Albuquerque; Lutheran Peace Fellowship, and Girardian Reflections on the Lectionary. All are Welcome. • Rev. Joann Conroy, Oglala Lakota, President of the Native American/Alaska Native Lutheran Association of the ELCA • Dr. […]

An Interfaith Eco-Justice Series–Sacred Land: Food and Farming (6th Session)

Join NM IPL for an eight-week interfaith/interspiritual series on Food and Farming exploring the connection between spirituality and caring for the land. In (virtual) community with others, you will learn how food and farming practices affect the climate crisis, marginalized communities, and even your own health and spiritual wellbeing. You will explore practical ways to […]