Early Thanksgiving Dinner 2020 (Virtual)

Join The Raindrop Albuquerque for a  Virtual Early Thanksgiving Dinner. This special event has traditionally taken place as an in-person gathering in past years. This year participants will pick up meal packages at the Raindrop building (7901 Mountain Road NE Albuquerque NM 87110) between 2-3 pm and  then gather on Zoom at 5:00 p.m.  Please […]

Reclaiming Our Common Humanity: from tolerant indifference to loving encounter

How are we to read the signs of the times? In our common humanity, held within the embrace of our common home, what is required? Informed by enclyclicals Laudato Sí and Fratelli Tutti, join us as we explore and discuss these questions and consider concrete ways of loving action within our local and wider communiities. […]

Loving Our Planet Movie Night: a Black Friday Alternative

Looking for connection in this quaran-time? Join us for a virtual movie night and discussion on the film My Octopus Teacher, a story of filmmaker Craig Foster who spends a year capturing footage of a wild octopus, and in that time, grows to love this beloved creature. If you are looking for an alternative to […]

Union of Concerned Scientists: Connecting Faith, Climate, and Justice

Join the Union of Concerned Scientists and faith leaders for a virtual discussion about how traditions can inform advocacy and action in response to climate change and racial justice. Moderator: Rev. Canon Sally Bingham, UCS National Advisory Board, Episcopal priest and Canon for the Environment in the Diocese of California Panelists Ibrahim Abdul-Matin, author of […]

Webinar: The EPA in 2021–Prioritizing Moral Accountability

With Rev. Michael Malcom and Rev. Brooks Brendt According to the New York Times, the list of federal environmental rollbacks over the past four years is now over 100. This list includes weakened limits on CO2 emissions, the removal of protections for more than half the nation's wetlands, and the undoing of restrictions on mercury […]

Webinar: Lessons from Faith Traditions in Transforming Water Conflicts

FREE WEBINAR: The Spirit of Dialogue: Lessons from Faith Traditions in Transforming Water Conflicts Featuring Aaron Wolf, Professor of Geography,  Oregon State University In the West, we generally base our approach to managing conflicts on rationality: “People will agree when it’s in their interest to agree.” Tools typically focus on what is measurable and quantifiable; […]

Methane pollution in NM: what you can do

A great way to learn more to get ready for upcoming Oil Conservation Division methane rule hearings beginning January 4 where you can offer comments. Watch NM IPL FB and website for details.  

A Symposium on Climate Legislative Policy for 2021

Join ClimateCrisisPolicy.org for a high-level symposium to discuss federal legislative plans for 2021! Congress is gearing up to take real action on Climate in 2021. And it is strategically vital that civil society be prepared to work together to secure meaningful legislative victories. There are thousands of climate groups and millions of activists waiting for […]

A Program on Pollinators and Food Security in New Mexico

The Endangered Species Coalition and Amigos Bravos will be hosting an online spotlight event on New Mexico's Pollinators and Food Security next Thursday (12/10) at 6pm MST. "This is a great opportunity to learn more about the threats facing New Mexico's native pollinators and how we can take action to PROTECT them," said Anita Amstutz, […]

Laudato Si: A Seven-Year Plan to Promote Sustainability

The Vatican Dicastery for Integral Human Development is planning a May roll out of a seven-year plan to help Catholic communities around the world become more sustainable in the spirit of the integral human development of Laudato Si’. The seven-year effort includes mobilizing seven sectors within the global Catholic community: families; dioceses; schools; universities; healthcare […]

Cool Congregation Challenge Deadline

Has your house of worship been caring for your lands, doing energy efficiency, solar or advocacy for environmental justice and climate? Consider applying for a Cool Congregation Award and your community might win $1,000. NM has had many winners in the past.. Email emily@nm-ipl.org for more information, or click here to apply.

Night Songs within the Great Pause

Winter  Solstice  Celebration 23rd Annual Candlelight Poetry Reading via ZOOM Webinar from Las Placitas Presbyterian Church Join the event via  ZOOM as poets read their poems by the light of a single candle. (Zoom link will be posted here when available)