Join Us for Our First Monthly Earth Spirit Sharing

IPL is beginning a monthly Earth and Spirit sharing for support, inspiration,and deepening community as we live into the meaning of caring for our common Home. Sacred grounding and sharing is so important for our long haul loving work that can only be done in community with everything that exists.

Lisa Leahigh, a Buddhist practitioner who is in and Eco-chaplaincy program through Upaya Zen Center in Santa Fe is leading the monthly evenings.

 They will be the 4th Wednesday of each month at 6 pm on zoom.

Please join us for a short grounding meditation, reflection, and council-style sharing, in honor of the inner-outer world. May this gathering be a source of renewal and help us to continue showing up for this earth and ourselves.

Outline of the hour reflection and sharing:

·     Welcome and lighting of the candle.

·      Guided meditation practice.

·      An offering (reading, video, prayer).

·      Sharing and listening from the heart.

·      Closing with a dedication

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