IPL NM & El Paso Thanks the New Mexico Congressional Delegation for Voting Against Undermining the Waste Emissions Charge

The US Senate has passed a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution in a 52-47 vote along party lines, introducing uncertainty into the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) methane polluter fee—also known as the Waste Emissions Charge. While the resolution blocks the implementation of the fee, the legal requirement for the charge remains, leaving oil and gas operators in a state of confusion about compliance.

The methane fee is a critical piece of the Methane Emission Reduction Program (MERP), established under the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 and signed into law by former President Biden. This program is designed to curb methane pollution, improve air quality, and protect public health while holding major polluters accountable for excessive emissions.

Prior to the Senate vote, the House passed the resolution in a 220-206 vote, with support from several Democrats. The measure now heads to President Trump’s desk, jeopardizing years of work by New Mexico communities and environmental advocates who have long fought for strong safeguards against methane waste. The fee applies only to oil and gas companies exceeding industry-established emissions thresholds, encouraging them to fix leaks, adopt cleaner technology, minimize routine flaring, and improve monitoring. The EPA projected that full implementation of the Waste Emissions Charge would have eliminated over a million metric tons of methane by 2035, significantly reducing waste while fostering job growth in the clean energy sector.

Despite bipartisan support for the CRA resolution, New Mexico’s entire congressional delegation opposed the measure, standing firm against what many see as another concession to industry polluters. Environmental and faith-based organizations, including New Mexico and El Paso Interfaith Power & Light, expressed gratitude for their leadership in prioritizing environmental stewardship and public well-being.

“People of faith in New Mexico believe that caring for communities, and our sacred water, air, and land is an ethical and moral responsibility. For more than 10 years, people of faith and conscience in New Mexico have worked for strong methane safeguards. Thank you to the NM delegation for recognizing that the Waste Emissions Charge is important and would have helped companies be more responsible for the Common Good. We are all called to be good neighbors and to care for God’s creation and one another. This was one simple and effective way to make sure that business is responsible.”
Sister Joan Brown, OSF, Community Advocate, New Mexico and El Paso Interfaith Power & Light

As the resolution awaits the president’s decision, New Mexico advocates remain committed to ensuring strong methane protections, reinforcing the need for responsible industry practices that prioritize people and the planet over short-term corporate interests.

Senate Finance Committee Passes Key Community Benefits Fund Initiative

Clear Horizons New Mexico, a statewide coalition of environmental, social justice, and conservation advocates from 33 organizations and businesses across New Mexico, applauds the Senate Finance Committee for passing the Community Benefit Fund, made up of Senate Bills 48 and 49. Senate Bill 48 passed the Senate Finance Committee on 7-4 do-pass vote, while its companion bill Senate Bill 49 that houses the funding remains in the committee, waiting to be absorbed into the state budget bill, House Bill 2.  The vote was taken late Wednesday, February 19.

The Community Benefit Fund, Senate Bills 48 and 49, would invest $340 million in communities that have been disproportionately impacted by climate change, providing resources for workforce development and retraining, renewable energy and infrastructure projects, energy efficiency upgrades, and other projects that reduce carbon pollution all while building a sustainable economy.

The Clear Horizons New Mexico Coalition is a partnership of New Mexicans across the state from 33 climate, equity, social justice, and conservation organizations and businesses that are raising their voice in unison for climate action in the Land of Enchantment. At Clear Horizons, we celebrate our promise and commitment to keeping New Mexico beautiful and prosperous for everyone, now and in the future.  New Mexico & El Paso Interfaith Power & Light is one of 33 organizations comprising the Clear Horizons coalition. Other partners are  350 New Mexico, American Lung Association in New Mexico, Center for Civic Policy, Coalition for Clean Affordable Energy, Coalition of Sustainable Communities New Mexico, Conservation Voters New Mexico, Creciendo Nuevo Mexico, E2 – Environmental Entrepreneurs, Earthworks, Environmental Defense Fund, GreenLatinos, GRID Alternatives, Healthy Climate New Mexico, Moms Clean Air Force New Mexico chapter, NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council),, NM CAFe, NM Climate Investment Center, NM Native Vote, NMVC Action Fund, Positive Energy Solar, ProgressNow New Mexico, Prosperity Works, Renewable Energy Industries Association of NM, San Juan Citizens Alliance, Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter, Sovereign Energy, SWEEP (Southwest Energy Efficiency Project), the Semilla Project, Western Environmental Law Center, Western Leaders Network, and Western Resource Advocates.

Call to Action: River Mile 163 Project

Our friends at Valencia Water Watchers are asking for help to get the word out about destruction that is happening along a stretch of the Rio Grande Bosque near Los Lunas. This destruction is resulting from work being done for the River Mile 163 Project.

Mature cottonwoods have already been cut, and the access road looks like a moonscape with all trees and vegetation completely ripped out.

We are asking for your help to pause the destruction.

The scope of the original project has been exceeded, and an Environmental Impact Statement is needed before any more work is done on this project.

The local residents want the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) to pause the tree cutting and start removing and/or mulching the downed trees and vegetation to reduce the risk of a catastrophic fire in the area.

Background on River Mile 163 Maintenance Project

The BOR has started chopping mature cottonwoods and clear-cutting access roads in the Bosque toward the river.

Despite many concerns, no Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was completed. Residents gave extensive feedback, and BOR reassured property owners that they would minimize cottonwood removal. However, significant tree removal has already started, raising concerns about the ecological impact and fire risk from all downed trees and slash.


  • The sandbars provide a critical habitat for migratory birds and many species

  • Mature cottonwoods are being taken down

  • Fire risk from slash that has not been cleaned up from the project

How to Take Action to Pause Project Mile 163 ASAP

  1. Call Bureau of Reclamation: 505-462-3540

  2. Call MRGCD 505-247-0234  or email: https://www.mrgcd.com/contact-us/

  3. Attend the MRGCD meeting on March 10th, 3pm
    at MRGCD Headquarters (1931 2nd St SW, Albuquerque) OR Join the MRGCD Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/2765069278?pwd=V2d0SWppTkxGTTFMb0g5RFhmeERjZz09

Talking Points

Pause the project to allow for the following:

  • Clean up the slash that has already been cut to minimize the fire risk created by the damage to and destruction of vegetation;

  • Prepare the Environmental Impact Statement and publish for comment. This statement should correctly disclose the amount of area to be affected by the project using actual data instead of the inaccurate estimates contained in the environmental assessment.

  • Keep intact a healthy Bosque ecosystem (don’t moonscape it)

  • Abide by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act – nesting season is about to begin. The MBTA protects hundreds of species of birds with fluctuating migrations, not just birds that winter in the Bosque.

Here are links to more information about this “Los Lunas RM 163 River Maintenance Project”

Carlsbad Current Argus. Sep. 3, 2020 New Mexico finalizes oil and gas wastewater regulations, lawmakers hear testimony (Rev. Nick King Quoted)

Las Cruces Sun-News,  Aug. 19, 2020, Report on solving climate crisis brings hope (Co-authored by Michael Sells, Clara Sims and Edith Yanez)

Santa Fe New Mexican, Aug. 15, 2020 Vote your values this November  (Commentary by Larry Rasmussen and Tabitha Arnold)