Carlsbad Current Argus. Sep. 3, 2020 New Mexico finalizes oil and gas wastewater regulations, lawmakers hear testimony (Rev. Nick King Quoted)
Las Cruces Sun-News, Aug. 19, 2020, Report on solving climate crisis brings hope (Co-authored by Michael Sells, Clara Sims and Edith Yanez)
Santa Fe New Mexican, Aug. 15, 2020 Vote your values this November (Commentary by Larry Rasmussen and Tabitha Arnold)
The Tree-Planting Legacy of an Activist, Friend and Mentor
/in Earth & Faith, Featured Articles, NEWS /by adminThe local Sikh community made the commitment to plant trees locally as part of the 550 birthday celebration for Guru Nanak’s 550 Gurpurb, founder of the Sikh tradition.
Manjeet, who was very influential in the creation of NM-IPL’s Forest of Bliss tree-planting campaign, passed away this past week surrounded by loving family.
“As president of the board of the Albuquerque Sikh Gurdwara, her leadership–and her work as an activist, friend, and mentor–will be sorely missed by all that knew her. She was dedicated to social justice, peace, sustainability, and protection of the environment, among other issues. The Forest of Bliss tree-planting project will continue in her memory,” said Ahiran Singh, community liaison for the Albuquerque Sikh Gurudwara.
Green Amendment Day: A Panel of Leading Environmental Justice Voices
/in Campaigns, Featured Articles, NEWS /by adminA panel of leading environmental justice voices from across the nation joined together on the inaugural Green Amendment Day 2021 (July 13), to push forth an agenda for ending environmental racism and restoring environmental justice through constitutional empowerment.
Our panelists–including NM-IPL board member Terry Sloan and NM State Sen. Antoinette Sedillo–represented different areas where environmental justice intersects: a grassroots leader, a community organizer & advocate, a legislator, a national Green Amendment expert, a Tribal Liaison, and a scientific expert. Hear first hand how they are pursuing true environmental justice with the power of a Green Amendment. Constitutional recognition and protection can elevate the inalienable rights of all people to a clean & healthy environment, and transform our system of laws and government to ensure environmental justice is mandatory, equitable and enforceable.
Reflections from a New Mexican at the Line 3 Protests in Minnesota
/in Actions, Campaigns, Earth & Faith, NEWS /by adminI first became conscious of the White Earth and Red Lake Nations fight to stop construction of the Line 3 pipeline by Enbridge when I heard Tara Houska present at the BiPoc Climate Dialogue on April 8, 2021. Tara spoke eloquently about the treaty rights and the need to resist further degradation of Anishinaabe lands and waters.
When the indigenous women of northern Minnesota invited others to come join protesting the Line 3 replacement pipeline, my husband Ward and I decided it was the right thing to do to drive to the Treaty People Gathering held June 5-8 in Waubon, MN.
In preparation, we both participated in the mandatory orientation calls to attend the Gathering. Early on, we were uncertain what level of action and risk of arrest we were willing to take but went mentally prepared for possible arrest and took cash for bonding out.
Both of us knew we were called to stand with indigenous leaders and other Water Protectors in this fight for Mother Earth and all beings. We had support from both NM Interfaith Power and Light and 350NM, two climate action organizations in which we are very active.
A Water Bowl from Santa Clara Pueblo
Two thousand people showed up for the Treaty People gathering and we sat under large pavilion tents in the hot sun for the welcoming talks, songs, and prayers. Dawn Goodwin, Everlasting Wind, was our unfailing guide and we heard stories from the ten year history of action against the pipelines from many indigenous leaders. We understood, as white people, we were there to listen and do what we could to protect and elevate the voices of the native people whose voices have so long been ignored.
The next morning was the day of action training and after inspirational talks, Ward and I chose to be in the red group – the group most willing to risk arrest, and attended the red group training. Two sites were identified for action and the red group prepared expecting police protection to be in place at the site upon our arrival.
We practiced how to maneuver around or through a line of police. Volunteers helped us write the jail support number on our bodies in case our belongings were taken from us upon arrest. Ward and I joined two other supporters to form an affinity or support group to act in concert together. Another requirement was for our affinity group to have a driver to drop our group at the action site so our car would not be parked at the highway during the action.
A Day of Action
Around 4 p.m. in the afternoon, three busloads of police officers arrived from a side road. The red group gathered around the pump site to try and break or go around the line of police officers who immediately surrounded the site. The protestors who were still inside the work site were arrested – and the water protectors who had locked themselves to the machinery inside the site were unlocked and arrested.
Ward and I stood with the line facing the line of police officers, chanting to stop line 3 until 6 p.m. Some of the protestors turned the chants into anti-police rhetoric, which we did not support, as we had gone to stop a pipeline, not to confront the police for being police. The chants directed at them seemed contrary to our collective mission, and we chose to return to the Treaty People Gathering camp and not stay to be arrested. One hundred seventy-nine protesters who stayed at the protest line at the pump station were arrested or given citations for trespassing.
A Message to President Biden
In many ways, our hearts are still with them, and we wish we could be there to continue the fight against fossil fuel use and the degradation of the sacred lands and waters of northern Minnesota. We are continuing the protest by having actions on July 19 at 11:00 a.m. at two Wells Fargo locations asking Wells Fargo and other banks to not renew their loans to Enbridge which fund the building of the Line 3 replacement pipeline.
(The author, a resident of Valencia County, is co-chair of the NM-IPL board. She is active with NM IPL’s Cool Congregations Committee and the Forest of Bliss tree planting project. She and her husband Wade McCartney attended the protest and gathering in northwestern Minnesota).