Candle Light Interfaith Prayer Vigil on the Eve of Pope Francis addressing the joint session of Congress

Interfaith Candle LightPopeFrancis-01

Prayer Vigil on the eve of

Papal Address to Congress


Wed., Sept. 23, 6:30-7:30

Old Town Plaza, ABQ


A time to pray together for wisdom for all of our leaders and ourselves as we commit to actions for life that create a just economy and address the critical challenge of climate change and climate justice.   September 23 is Yom Kippur in the Jewish tradition and important Holy Day of fasting and call to atonement.  A symbolic interfaith breaking of fast will begin the service. Bring your own candle.

 Simultaneous vigils being held around the US and in New Mexico in Silver City, Taos, Carlsbad, Gallup, Santa Fe, Albuquerque, and Ghost Ranch.

 Co-sponsored by New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light, New Mexico Conference of Churches, Catholic Charities, Interfaith Worker Justice of New Mexico and others…  At the national level coordinated by Interfaith Power and Light, Franciscan Action Network and Global Catholic Climate Movement.

Faith Leaders Voice Support for Obama’s Clean Power Plan

Congregations across country support historic effort to reduce carbon pollution

Following today’s release of the Obama administration’s final Clean Power Plan rule, which establishes the first-ever federal limits on carbon pollution from power plants, faith leaders across religions voiced strong support for the EPA’s plan to combat climate change.

“I applaud the EPA for moving forward with these landmark rules,” said the Rev. Canon Sally G. Bingham, president and founder of Interfaith Power & Light (IPL). “It’s an important step inaddressing climate change, which is not just a matter of science or policy, but one of faith. Congregations across the country are responding to the moral obligation to care for creation, so I suspect faith communities will be a primary voice calling on their leaders in Congress to support this rule.”
In addition to placing limits on how much carbon can be emitted by power plants, the EPA’s Clean Power Plan encourages investments in clean energy and energy efficiency. The rule was initially proposed in June 2014 and is the crown jewel of President Barack Obama’s blueprint for addressing climate change.
The Clean Power Plan complements the work of faith communities around the country who are already cutting emissions through initiatives like IPL’s Paris Pledge and Cool Congregations program. With energy efficiency programs and a focus on switching to renewable power generation, IPL has helped green over 4,000 congregations in the past decade.
“Pope Francis has stated that the gravity of the ecological crisis requires we all protect the common good, and reducing carbon pollution from power plants will safeguard common goods like air, water, land and community health for generations to come,” said Sr. Joan Brown, OSF, executive director of New Mexico Interfaith Power & Light. “Faith communities have been gathering comments and testifying in favor of this plan for years, because it’s a matter of climate justice and a historic step towards protecting all of God’s creation.”

“The monumental importance of this rule cannot be overstated,” said the Rev. Richard Cizik, coordinator of Virginia IPL. “While naysayers waste time debating established climate science, people here in Virginia, around the country and across the world suffer countless impacts. We are intent on ensuring this rule is implemented expeditiously to protect vulnerable communities.”
IPL has worked alongside more than 18,000 congregations to help them cut emissions, save energy, and live more sustainably. “We’ll continue working across the country with our 40 state affiliates to garner support for this historic effort to clean up the nation’s dirtiest power plants,” added Rev. Bingham.

Protecting Our Common Home

Come explore how to put the encyclical “Laudato Si”
 into action in your family and community

When:  Saturday, August 29, 2015
Time: 9:00 AM-12:00 Noon  
Where: Santa Maria de la Vid Abbey, 5825 Coors Blvd. SW
Who: Everyone, of any faith! Families,
Adults, Youth,  Children, Ordained Ministers, Lay Ministers, Educators
RSVP by August 27: Sr. Joan Brown, joan@nm-ipl.org 
Learn about Pope Francis’ recent encyclical on environmental stewardship, economy and climate change and acquire resources and creative ideas to use and share.
Schedule of morning:
*Prayer, film, tour of new Norbertine Pope Francis Solar Field, inspirational talk by Fr. Bob Campbell and sharing
*Exploration of parts of encyclical through interaction and resources, prayers, activities, crafts for children and adult materials at interactive tables with take home resources focusing on: water and watershed; climate change; immigration/refugees;  air; economics, poverty/economic disparity; and food
* Inspirational presentation
*Global Common Home Café discussion and sharing
*Closing prayer
*Snacks, amazing door prizes and special drawing for Grow Box for your school, faith    community, food pantry, etc. 
New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light, New Mexico Conference of Churches, Ecumenical Institute of Ministry, Norbertine Community, Catholic Charities, and the Archdiocese of Santa Fe are collaborating to offer this  ecumenical, interfaith, intergenerational opportunity to learn how to make practical Pope Francis’ encyclical.
New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light | 505-266-6966 | joankansas@swcp.com | http://www.nm-ipl.org
PO Box 27162
Albuquerque, NM 87125-7162

Carlsbad Current Argus. Sep. 3, 2020 New Mexico finalizes oil and gas wastewater regulations, lawmakers hear testimony (Rev. Nick King Quoted)

Las Cruces Sun-News,  Aug. 19, 2020, Report on solving climate crisis brings hope (Co-authored by Michael Sells, Clara Sims and Edith Yanez)

Santa Fe New Mexican, Aug. 15, 2020 Vote your values this November  (Commentary by Larry Rasmussen and Tabitha Arnold)