Some Great News

Blessings these Holy Days!
Just as the Earth is blooming and bees are busy…so are many people of faith earth and hands

working to care for our sacred creation.  Thank you for all you do!!!

Peace and good,
Joan and all at NMPL
Albuquerque City Council Withdraws from PNM Stipulation Agreement
Monday, April 6 at the regular City Council Meeting, the Council voted 6-3 in support of Resolution R-15-177 opposing PNM San Juan Stipulation and forwards the resolution to the Public Regulatory Commission as they make a decision about the San Juan Replacement Plan.  THANK YOU to everyone who has made phone calls, statements regarding this major energy decision. See recent faith op-ed in the Albuquerque Journal.
Renewal of Solar Tax Credit Passes NM Congressional Session….But
Governor Susanna Martinez has until Friday to sign this bill.  Your call to her office today is important to move forward solar energy in our state. Ask her to sign the Solar Tax Credit Bill
Governor’s Office 505-476-2200.

Don’t Miss the Transition Albuquerque Transition Training
Friday-Saturday,  April 10-11, 2015
First Unitarian Church,  3701 Carlisle NE
Registration is $180, but scholarships are available, contact  505-926-3689.
Looking for Resources and Actions for Earth Day celebrations?
Check out the Preach In Kits that are free to download and also our website www.nm-ipl.org
for liturgy ideas. Consider taking the Paris Pledge as an individual or as a congregation for part of your Earth Sunday orSabbath celebration.

Time to Sign up for Wild GRACE retreat for young people and adult mentors.
June 4-7, 4:00–noon
Ghost Ranch Abiqui

Check out this wonderful opportunity at Ghost Ranch.  An amazing experience for young people and their parents, aunts, uncles, mentors, teachers.  See flyer for details.

  Call 505-266-6966 for information. Some scholarships available.

Volunteers welcomed

NMIPL can always use volunteers.

Some areas to consider are: contact for your faith community, committee to plan annual meeting, tabling at events, phone calling, mailings, public policy advocacy,  board member and more.  Contact Joan if you have a desire to put faith into action for caring for creation and community.


New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light | 505-266-6966 | joankansas@swcp.com | http://www.nm-ipl.org
PO Box 27162
Albuquerque, NM 87125-7162

Faith Communities Send Prayers for Climate Action

Faith Communities Send Prayers for Climate Action

Interfaith Power & Light’s campaign for climate healing and action over Valentine’s Day weekend sent an unprecedented number of prayers and postcards to God and senators, in that order. It is estimated that 500,000 people participated, many of them joining Saturday’s synchronized climate prayer, others giving sermons and talks, and still more holding discussions and gathering signatures on Love Creation climate action postcards to send to senators.

“There was something very powerful about knowing that people across the country were praying about this issue at the same time,” said Interfaith Power & Light founder, The Rev. Canon Sally G. Bingham. “It was truly an interfaith, nationwide climate prayer to remind us to take seriously our responsibility to protect Creation.”

And the beat goes on. According to the Susan Stephenson, Interfaith Power & Light executive director, “It’s not too late to participate. Congregations will continue the momentum through Earth Day, and events will continue to be registered on the map at preachin.org. There are many important climate milestones this year, and faith communities from Catholics and Jews, to UUs and Lutherans are making sure their pleas for action are heard loud and clear by those in power.” She is referring to the President’s decision on the Keystone XL oil pipeline, Congressional support of the EPA safeguards on carbon pollution, and the upcoming international climate talks in Paris.

This year, IPL joined forces with OurVoices.net and Green Faith for even greater impact. They also reached out to tens of thousands on Facebook and Twitter. To learn how you can become involved, visit intefaithpowerandlight.org and its preachin.org website.

Andree Duggan
Interfaith Power & Light

Climate Justice: A Fight for Equal Opportunity


Gina McCarthy and Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr.Fifty years ago, Americans facing racial injustice marched the 54 miles from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, to protest discriminatory voting laws.  It was a watershed moment in the Civil Rights Movement, influencing the passage of the Voting Rights Act, and forever redefining and improving our cherished values of freedom and fairness.  February marks Black History Month—a time to reflect on past injustice, and refocus efforts on injustices that persist.

Today, too often, low-income neighborhoods and communities of color are disproportionately burdened by pollution and health risks.  Those same communities are excessively vulnerable to the devastating floods, fires, storms, and heatwaves supercharged by climate change.  To make matters worse, the carbon pollution fueling climate change comes packaged with other dangerous pollutants that cause chronic disease and chase away local businesses and jobs.  Power plants, our biggest source of carbon pollution, are often located in these areas, casting their shadow over communities already vulnerable to environmental health hazards.

Pollution and climate impacts are a barrier to economic opportunity, blocking the path to middle-class security.  President Obama calls ensuring America’s promise of opportunity for all a defining challenge of our time; however, it’s impossible to climb any ladder of opportunity without clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, and healthy land to live on.

That’s why at the core of EPA’s mission is the unwavering pursuit of environmental justice.  The Hip Hop Caucus joined the fight for Environmental Justice after Hurricane Katrina, a disaster that underscored communities facing risks from climate impacts: low-income families and people of color.

With President Obama’s leadership, EPA is ramping up efforts to cut air and water pollution, expanding public outreach, enforcing laws to defend public health, and holding polluters accountable.  And through President Obama’s Climate Action Plan, EPA is taking historic action to fight the economic and public health risks of a changing climate by cutting carbon pollution from power plants.

Organizations like the Hip Hop Caucus are critical to climate progress by ensuring at-risk communities are a part of the conversation—and part of the solution.  To balance the ledger of environmental disenfranchisement, we must confront today’s risks with a focus on communities that need it the most.

We’re moved by the words of Jibreel Khazan spoken in Greensboro, NC on the 55th anniversary of the Greensboro Four sitting down at the lunch counter inside the Woolworth store on February 1st, 1960:

“Climate change is young people’s ‘lunch counter moment’ for the 21st century. When my three classmates and I sat down at that lunch counter to end segregation we did not know what the outcome would be. We simply knew that we had to act. We had to take bold action for necessary change to come about. It is in the tradition of civil and human rights struggle that young people today are calling for action on climate change. It is the biggest threat to justice and opportunity our planet has ever seen.”  

Fighting for environmental justice, and climate justice, echoes the spirit of America’s great civil rights leaders; it’s a spirit fueled by our moral obligation to leave our children a world safer and rich with opportunity.  History proves even the most wrenching strains on justice can be unwound, with a committed, diverse, and vocal coalition of people calling for change.  That’s why EPA, the Hip Hop Caucus, and organizations around the country are fighting for climate justice—so we can further fairness and opportunity for all.

Editor’s Note: The views expressed here are intended to explain EPA policy. They do not change anyone’s rights or obligations. 

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Carlsbad Current Argus. Sep. 3, 2020 New Mexico finalizes oil and gas wastewater regulations, lawmakers hear testimony (Rev. Nick King Quoted)

Las Cruces Sun-News,  Aug. 19, 2020, Report on solving climate crisis brings hope (Co-authored by Michael Sells, Clara Sims and Edith Yanez)

Santa Fe New Mexican, Aug. 15, 2020 Vote your values this November  (Commentary by Larry Rasmussen and Tabitha Arnold)