St. Thomas of Canterbury Episcopal Church Blesses New Solar Panels

St. Thomas of Canterbury Episcopal Church in Albuquerque observed Earth Day by inaugurating its new solar power system  The Rt. Rev. Michael Buerkel Hunn, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of the Rio Grande., was on hand on April 24, 2022, to bless the 6.54solar array, consisting of 20 solar panels. The system had been operational for several months now, but had not yet been officially launched.

The project was first conceived 15 years ago during the tenure of The Rev. Canon Carole McGowan,  who formed the Canterbury Advocates for Sustainable Environment (CASE). The committee was comprised of the late Don Partridge, Edwina Beard, Ginger Lawrence, Susan White and Richard Steele. “About 15 years ago, Rev. McGowan led a series of classes about we could be better servants of creation,’ said Sally Barlow, a member of the current solar team at the church. “As a result, the CASE committee was formed.”

Patridge’s wife, Susan Patrick, brought a cake to celebrate the blessing of the solar panels.  In addition to Bishop Hunn, Rev. McGowan and current Rector Edward Curtis presided over the ceremony.


Luther House Students Host Earth Day Scavenger Hunt

On Wednesday, April 20 Lutheran Campus Ministries hosted an Earth Day Scavenger Hunt and Action for students from UNM and CNM. 16 people competed in 3 teams to find 5 scavenger locations on the main campus of UNM. Each location required an action from the team: recite a prayer for climate justice, call a Senator to demand climate justice action, commit to no longer using single-use plastics etc.
Teams reunited at Luther House, received prizes for participating, and discussed several ways to love Mother Earth better. Students were also invited to attend the film screening of “Youth vs. Gov” with First Congregational UCC and will return to Luther House on Wednesday, April 27 to join in the webinar discussion with IPL.
Location 1: Prayer: Duck Pond- Breath Prayer- “God of Creation, As we breathe the air that sustains, fill us with your love for Mother Earth. Breathe into us solidarity with the suffering caused by our irresponsibility. Move us into action to serve our Earth and build your sustainable kin_dom. Amen”
Location 2– Educate/Organize: Smith Plaza- Advertised the “Youth vs. Gov” film screening and film discussion.
Location 3- Action: Statues: “Flood the phones, not the planet. Call Senator Lujan and demand climate justice now!”
Location 4– Commit: Mother Earth Fountain- “Commit to love Mother Earth even more. No more single use plastics”
Location 5– Joy: Center of the Universe sculpture: “Don’t forget to make joy the center of it all” (Hop Scotch)
(Information courtesy of Rhonda Newby-Torres, a former NMEP-IPL board member and lay pastor at Luther House-Lutheran Campus Ministry at UNM and CNM)

NMEPR-IPL, CCFF Among Organizations Supporting State’s New Emissions Rule

After two and half years of public discussion and consultation, the state of New Mexico adopted  new air quality rules that would eliminate hundreds of millions of pounds of harmful emissions annually from oil and gas operations in the state. The new rule, announced on April 14, will improve air quality for New Mexicans by establishing innovative and actionable regulations to curb the formation of ground-level ozone. Methane is one of the key drivers of climate change. It is a powerful greenhouse gas 84 times more potent than carbon dioxide in the short term.

The New Mexico Environment Department will implement the oil and gas air pollution rules the EIB adopted today. The rules require oil and gas operators to inspect all wells for leaks on a frequent basis without exemptions and protect those living closest to development by requiring more frequent inspections to find and fix leaks in proximity to homes and schools. Read Press Release from NMED

Conservation, public health, and community leaders from across New Mexico today applauded the Environmental Improvement Board’s (EIB) preliminary approval of final ozone precursor regulations for oil and gas production and processing. This includes nation-leading rules that address equipment leaks and malfunctions that account for 70% of the industry’s methane emissions problem.

We all have an ethical and moral responsibility to care for our land, water, air and communities, which are sacred gifts. Leadership in New Mexico holds a particular public responsibility to address pollution from oil and gas industries. The Environmental Improvement Board has taken vital action to care for Our Common Home and those who are most vulnerable and whose voices and concerns are often not heard. People of faith are grateful for reforms that cherish life.”  said Joan Brown, osf,  NMEPR-IPL executive director.

“Those of us with well sites in our back yards will benefit from more frequent inspections to find and fix leaks in proximity to homes and schools. Methane leaks, venting and flaring are a daily threat to our health, and New Mexico has created a standard to guide federal agencies in strengthening protections from oil and gas pollution.” said CCFF organizer Kayley Shoup.

The American Lung Association gave New Mexico’s top oil and gas producing counties – Lea, Eddy, and San Juan Counties – an F grade for ozone in its 2021 State of the Air Report. Overburdened communities bear the brunt of oil and gas waste and pollution. That’s why today’s action and the Lujan Grisham administration’s groundbreaking approach to hold the oil and gas industry accountable is so important.” said  Oriana Sandoval of the Center for Civic Policy

“Safeguarding public health is central to the mission of the Environmental Improvement Board, and today it delivered by adopting strong rules that hold the oil and gas industry accountable and protect the long-term health of all New Mexicans Oil and gas operations are a significant source of ozone-forming volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as well as methane emissions from venting, flaring and leaks. Well-site toxins can worsen respiratory diseases and trigger asthma attacks, and smog can also worsen emphysema and impact the cardiovascular system. This well site pollution especially affects the health of children, elders, and communities of color,” said Barbara Webber of Health Action New Mexico

“Too many New Mexico communities are experiencing the serious health impacts of oil and gas pollution. Spills, leaks, venting and flaring are taking a toll on all New Mexicans’ air, water and health, but rural communities, tribal communities, children and the elderly are especially at risk. Navajo communities are located across a patchwork of federal, state and tribal lands where drilling affects public health and climate. The Lujan Grisham administration’s adoption of strict air pollution rules will help protect overburdened communities at the fence lines of oil and gas operations,” said  Joseph Hernandez, NAVA Education Project.

Carlsbad Current Argus. Sep. 3, 2020 New Mexico finalizes oil and gas wastewater regulations, lawmakers hear testimony (Rev. Nick King Quoted)

Las Cruces Sun-News,  Aug. 19, 2020, Report on solving climate crisis brings hope (Co-authored by Michael Sells, Clara Sims and Edith Yanez)

Santa Fe New Mexican, Aug. 15, 2020 Vote your values this November  (Commentary by Larry Rasmussen and Tabitha Arnold)