Carlsbad Current Argus. Sep. 3, 2020 New Mexico finalizes oil and gas wastewater regulations, lawmakers hear testimony (Rev. Nick King Quoted)
Las Cruces Sun-News, Aug. 19, 2020, Report on solving climate crisis brings hope (Co-authored by Michael Sells, Clara Sims and Edith Yanez)
Santa Fe New Mexican, Aug. 15, 2020 Vote your values this November (Commentary by Larry Rasmussen and Tabitha Arnold)
Legislative Briefing (Jan. 25, 2022): The Clean Future Act (HB6)
/in Faithful Citizenship, Featured Articles, NEWS, NM Legislature /by adminOur legislative briefing on Jan. 25, 2022, included four important issues we’re following in the 2022 NM State Legislature.
In this video, Camilla Feibelman, director of the Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club, spoke about the Clean Energy Future Act proposed during the 2022 NM Legislature. The initiative proposes a comprehensive reduction of carbon emissions in New Mexico.
The Clean Future Act sets ambitious requirements of a 50% reduction of climate pollution in New Mexico by 2030 and at least 90% by 2050. Because New Mexico’s carbon emissions have increased since the 2005 baseline, this would represent a 64% reduction of current levels of climate pollution by 2030. To achieve this, New Mexico will have to begin a thoughtful transformation to clean energy and away from fossil fuels that includes everyone, especially disproportionately impacted communities.
Legislative Briefing (Jan. 25, 2022): The Green Amendment (HJR2 and SJR2)
/in Faithful Citizenship, Featured Articles, Green Amendment, NEWS, NM Legislature /by adminOur legislative briefing on Jan. 25, 2022, included four important issues we’re following in the 2022 NM State Legislature.
In this video, Maya K. von Rossum, founder of the Green Amendments for the Generations, spoke of HJR2 and SJR2, The Green Amendment. The initiative proposes to amend the Constitution of New Mexico by adding a new section of Article 2 that provides the people of the state with environmental rights, including the right to a clean and healthy environment and the right to protection of the environment.
The proposal directs the state to serve as a trustee of natural resources of New Mexico for the benefit of all New Mexicans. It also repeals the current pollution control provisions of Article 20, Section 21. It would allow legal redress when this right is violated by government action or inaction. The amendment needs to pass the State Legislature before going to the voters for approval.
Subvención para Eficiencia Energética en la Comunidad (CEED)
/in Featured Articles /by adminPatrocinado por Rep. Kristina Ortez
HB37 – Community Energy Efficiency Development (CEED) Block Grant Act ayuda a mejorar el costo de las utilidades, reducir el cargo de energia, y incrementar el acceso a familias de bajos ingresos en Nuevo Mexico. Los Nuevo Mexicanos que viven en areas rurales, de bajos recursos y otras comunidades gastan mas de sus ingresos en las utilidades. Aproximadamente, aquellos que viven bajo la linea de pobreza pagan 15% de sus ingresos en sus pagos de energia. Haciendo mejoraciones de eficiencia energética en hogares de bajos recursos pueden rebajar los costos de utilidades electricas para familias Nuevo Mexicanas, mejoran la calidad de los hogares, y ayudan que Nuevo Mexico llegue a su meta de zero-carbon electrico.
Desafortunadamente, Nuevo Mexico esta detras de otros estados que estan adelante en los fondos de mejoraciones de energia eficiente en los hogares de bajos recursos. 26 Estados proveen al menos el doble de la cantidad de inversiones en eficiencia energética per cápita a traves de fondos estatales y de utilidades. Ahora es tiempo de que el estado de Nuevo Mexico invierta en servicios que ayuden a las familias de bajos recursos a reducir sus cargos de energia, y al mismo tiempo, apoyando a que el estado alcanze sus metas climaticas.
El CEED Block Grant Act ofrece varias soluciones para reducir los cargos de energia para las familias Nuevo Mexicanas de bajos recursos y alcanzar nuestras metas climaticas:
Para mayor información o si tiene pregutas, pongase en contacto con: Tammy Fiebelkorn, SWEEP
tfiebelkorn@swenergy.org 505-410-3884