Pledge to Be a Faith Climate Voter

I pledge to vote with climate and Creation in mind.

I am pledging to be a Faith Climate Voter to put love into action for every living creature and for every vulnerable community suffering the impacts of our changing climate, from sea rise, to extreme heat, to devastating droughts, to supercharged storms.

I believe that our nation’s elected leaders and our public policies should reflect our shared values. By pledging to be a consistent voter and vote with climate in mind, I am communicating the values of caring for God’s Creation and our children’s future. “

You pledge to vote. We remind you to keep your word. It’s so easy. And it works.

Sign the pledge here

Other Ways You can Help

Make sure you’re registered to vote and register others

Help collect pledges. Sign up to have pledge cards sent to you.

Share the pledge link via email or social media. Here are  sample social media posts

Donate to support the Faith Climate Voter Campaign

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