March 27, 2025 With the conclusion of the 2025 legislative session on March 22nd, we want to share a brief overview of what happenned, some legislative highlights, and some reflections on the last 60 days of advocacy.
March 19, 2025 The climate crisis illuminates how interconnected all of life is on this small planet. We are, whether we like it or not, in this together. Oh, the challenge of this deep call of our times: we simply cannot separate ourselves from one another. The future is thoroughly relational and begs the question, what are we to do now? Below you will find more info about these two levels of engagement and a list of upcoming events.
February 19, 2025 As the governor’s bill (Strategic Water Supply) is garnering support for allocating 75 million toward expensive and extremely energy intensive water reclamation projects – funding good, responsible protections of our sacred and already existing fresh water is more important than ever! Please support Water Security Planning Act Funds (HB 423)
February 11, 2025 2025 marks the fifth year that the New Mexico Green Ammendment has been brought to the NM State Legislature. Along with faith communities across the state we continue to support this vital movement. The Green Ammendment not only provides a stronger legal framework for protecting our land, air, and water, it also helps us transform the consciousness of our culture toward one that remembers: the common good of the people and the planet have always been one and the same.
February 5, 2025 New Mexico is now the second largest producer of oil and gas in the country and our communities on the frontlines of this industry bear a disproportionate burden of public health costs and threats. Due to the power of profit, it is extremely difficult to move forward any significant, or even minor, reform of the oil and gas industry. As small but critical steps forward, we are focusing on two bills that seek common sense protection of public health.
January 28, 2025 From the blazing heat of our own New Mexico summer to the winter wildfires burning in California, the earth is speaking with resounding clarity of our need to stop burning fossil fuels. In that spirit, here are the three major climate bills of this session….
January 22, 2025 As the legislative session begins this week, we are highlighting several opportunities to advocate for a more responsible and just relationship to water — water who is among our most precious sibling and a sacred caretaker of all Creation.
January 8, 2025 Here in the dawning days of 2025, I am full of gratitude to find myself right here, writing to you as the new Executive Director of our New Mexico and El Paso chapter of Interfaith Power and Light (IPL). I am deeply honored to join this remarkable community of people who care so deeply for our Earth and continue to rise to chart a path forward in these extraordinary times. Desirée Bernard
December 10, 2024 Please join us tomorrow for this special event honoring Sr. Joan and warmly welcoming Desirée as our new Executive Director!
December 2, 2024 December holds many diverse and beautiful celebrations of light and hope: Bodhi Day, Las Posadas, Yule, Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa. Together, they remind us that the sacred, even when hidden in the heart of winter, is always taking shape in us and through us.
December 1, 2024 Please join us for this special event honoring Sr. Joan and warmly welcoming Desirée as our new Executive Director!
November 20, 2024 After alot of prayers, search effort, work and discernment I and the board and team of IPL are so pleased to introduce our New Executive Director, Desire’e Bernard.
November 6, 2024 To all who are struggling with the weight of this moment –May we make space for our grief, our anger, our fear. May we honor the toll on our hearts and spirits amidst our shared calling to create healing for the earth and ourselves as wholly inseperable from the Earth.
November 1, 2024 Please find in this edition many wonderful events and resources, including a special opportunity to engage during Native American Heritage Month in reparative justice with our indigenous siblings through exploration of landback with the Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery.
October 24, 2024 Please check out and s hare this wonderful advertisement featuring New Mexico & El Paso Region IPL and faith communities we have helped pursue solar energy! Is your faith community looking to become more energy efficient and/or explore installing solar? We have an incredible team of expert volunteers who provide FREE energy audits for houses of worship and we are looking for more communities to assist.
October 9, 2024 A week from today, join us at our Annual Gathering: Perservering in Beauty and Joy! In these times of both challenge and grace, our evening will include a time of prayer and centering with original musical offerings from cellist, Keely Mackey as well as artist, Elizabeth Margit-Anne. During this service, we will hear prayers from our community and we will also honor our wonderful SEED and SPROUT Awardees. These awards go to organizations/groups and indivduals engaged in work of climate and justice from a place of spirit, faith, and moral/ethical values. Please join us in honoring them!
October 3, 2024 In this fall, a time of change, may we remind ourselves that our climate and environmental efforts are holy works. Our prayers and each effort is important in the community of life…So much more is happening this month and we are sharing many important resources for funding for energy efficiency etc. in this newsletter….so please read on and thank you for being part of the IPL community.
September 18, 2024 Earth honoring friends, please join us as you are able for these two special NM & El Paso IPL events!Lisa Leahigh will be offering a lovely time of centering and renewal near the Fall Equinox…Western state affiliates of IPL, have organized a webinar to explore impacts of mining for transitional minerals.
September 1, 2024 And if it’s true we are alone, We are alone together, the way blades of grass are alone, but exist as a field….Wonderful IPL community — as we move into September and this time of softening light, sunflowers, transformation, equinox, and the deep hope of creation — may these words touch and inspire us to remember the beauty and boundlessness of our belonging to the earth and to one another.
August 18, 2024 I am Reverend Ryan Tate, a board member with NM IPL. One of the reasons why I felt called to IPL (other than, of course, the fantastic work they do) were the many promises I made to The Land.
August 14, 2024 As we move into the beauty of late summer, below are four wonderful events in the coming days and weeks to celebrate and advocate with our sacred earth.
August 1, 2024 We hope these summer days are bringing you into the felt experience of wisdom of Love alive in our World.The past month has been very busy with usual work of IPL and sponsoring, co-sponsoring and tabling at many events
July 18, 2024 Serving on this board, seeking interdependence and community, and elevating the voices of our many frontline communities – this work and these people have given me light and hope in the four years since I joined the board. -Arcelia Isais-Gastelum
July 10, 2024 Blessings to all this July! Find below a special note highlighting upcoming events NM & EL Paso IPL is co-sponsoring as well as opportunities to hear from our community in advocacy and inspiration.
July 2, 2024 As we move into the heart of summer we face many collective challenges and anxieties as extreme heat and fires intensify for us here and around the world.
June 20, 2024 Blessed Solstice! Today we reflect today upon the bounty of Our Sacred Earth and the free gifts of the Sun…You can Help With Wildfire Relief: One load of supplies will go down on Friday and another on Saturday.
June 17, 2024 A Sharing From Our Board Co-Chair, plus an invitation to join us at a Summer Solstice Celebration
June 1, 2024 We are approaching the summer solstice, a time to honor the light, the long days, and the abundance of life. It is a time to reflect on our relationships with the more-than-human world and find ways to more honestly align ourselves with Creation.
April 22, 2024 Spring is in full bloom as we celebrated Earth Day yesterday and IPL’s Faith Climate Action Week all this week….We are also awake to the increasingly dire reality of climate injustice that sometimes makes it challenging to find and nourish our spiritual reserves. Knowing this, IPL creates opportunities to support faithful action for the long haul.
April 5, 2024 We hope you can join us on Wednesday, April 10th for an inspirational and renewing event for people of faith and faith leaders. You can find details of time, location, and registration options below. Please note there are both in-person and virtual opportnuities to participate.
April 1, 2024 Our religious traditions and spiritual paths are integral to our living as One and caring for Our Common Home as we celebrate Earth Month.
March 15, 2024 Spring blessings to all and a special note highlighting upcoming events with us and partnering organizations. Please let us know if you have any questions!
March 1, 2024 With the eruption of new life from the soil, we have so many wonderful, renewing and inspiring events to offer and highlight in March, and beyond as we lead up to the marathon of Earth Month in April! Strap on your roller skates, and check out everything from upcoming events to great resources to job openings to opportunities for prayer and reflection.
February 21, 2024 Join us next Wednesday, February 28th at 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm for our monthly Earth & Spirit Sharing.
February 19, 2024 We are called to work for life. We are called to love creation. We are grateful for all who worked so hard, and prayed for so many concerns during the legislative session that ended February 15.
February 1, 2024 February E-notes
January 30, 2024 Two Opportunities to Hear Father John Dear
January 25, 2024 Please find below a few key updates and action steps
January 18, 2024 Join us Wednesday, January 24 at 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm for our monthly Earth & Spirit Sharing.
January 17, 2024 The short (30 day) session of the NM state legislature began yesterday. This is a fiscal session with many important elements of funding that address climate, public health, water protection. etc. NM IPL is most closely following and supporting a few bills. You can find our Legislative Action Guide here.
January 8, 2024 As always, there is a lot going on. Learn about even more events than those listed here and keep up with new ones through our calendar
December 21, 2023 The Longest Night is a time for reflection. It is a time to reckon with challenges and the coldness of some of our days. It is a time to listen in the stillness that a long night brings. It is a time to dig deeper into gratitude and hope, knowing that the days will grow lighter and stronger.
December 14, 2023 As we celebrate Hanukkah, move deeper into Advent and toward Solstice, we are so aware of the difference light makes in dark times. We are reflecting on our year and are grateful for the bright light of our interfaith community.
December 4, 2023 On Saturday, Dec. 2, at the UN COP meeting in Dubai, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released final rules to cut methane and other harmful pollutants from oil and gas operations throughout the United States.
November 24, 2023 Join NM IPL, ABQ Mennonite, First Congregational UCC ABQ and others in a solidarity event with Apache Stronghold including prayer, song, and ritual for Oak Flat.
November 7, 2023 Friends, We’re sending another quick update to share upcoming events and opportunities for you and your communities—please help spread the word and thanks for all of your work in the world!
November 1, 2023 We hold such grief and pain in witnessing to the conflict in the middle east and the impacts of terrible violence on so many in our own communities and around the world…NM IPL’s Annual Gathering celebration this year focused on “healing relationships in our sacred world.” Also, learn about upcoming events and advocacy policy updates.
October 26, 2023 You’re Invited! How to Get Federal Money for your Congregation’s Solar Project; Plus Join the Cool Congregations Challenge
October 18, 2023 Thanks to all who RSVPed to tomorrow’s Annual Fall Gathering. We’re looking forward to being in fellowship with you! We’ll see you at 6pm at Monte Vista Christian Church (3501 Campus Blvd. NE in Albuquerque.
October 12, 2023 Please join us next week on Thursday, October 19 from 6:00 – 8:30 pm at Monte Vista Christian Church in Albuquerque for Interfaith Power and Light’s Annual Fall Gathering. This year’s theme is Healing Relationships Within Our Sacred World.
October 9, 2023 Join us to learn about important new Clean Vehicle Standards and prepare to testify at November hearings.
October 1, 2023 Blessings to you all! There is much to share in this busy season, but first, a poem of autumn reflection–“The Way In by Linda Hogan”
September 26, 2023 IPL invites you to our monthly Earth & Spirit Sharing for support and deepening as we work, love and care for our Sacred Earth Community.
September 13, 2023 Please join us on Thursday, October 19 from 6:00 – 8:30 pm at Monte Vista Christian Church in Albuquerque for Interfaith Power and Light’s Annual Fall Gathering. This year’s theme is Healing Relationships Within Our Sacred World.
September 1, 2023 The beginning of this fall is a harvest time of gratitude. Gratitude and Love are sisters. Both virtues guide our footsteps of healing each day. The changing of our season is a special invitation into deeper gratitude and Love. We at IPL are especially grateful for our little team working with so many of you in NM and El Paso. We want to welcome Clara Sims officially, and back again after completing with honors a Divinity Degree at Yale.
August 21, 2023 Monthly Earth Spirit Sharing Everyone is welcome for this nurturing experience. Drawing inspiration from Johanna Macy’s, Work That Reconnects, join us for practices that support gratitude, honoring our pain for the world, seeing with new eyes, and going forth
August 17, 2023 Join Rio Grande Water Advocates for an amazing Community Conversation; Field Trip to Spirit Farm
August 4, 2023 Two early August invtations! Advocacy Ask: The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) have proposed new standards that will improve pipeline operations and leak management practices. Submit comments to the PHMSA here
Invitation to Spirit Farm (flyer) We at IPL are so excited to have an invitation to visit Spirit Farm, a project of Covenant Pathways and James and Joyce Skeet who live south of Gallup near Vanderwagen. A great opportunity to see another part of New Mexico and be with a wonderful community of people. Register at
July 27, 2023 Blessings! We all need moments of renewal and centering in community. Please join IPL as Lisa Leahigh guides us in our monthly sharing on Wednesday, July 26 at 6 pm.. These are very centering and refreshing meditation, reflection and sharing times together. Thank you Lisa.
July 24, 2023 Blessings! We all need moments of renewal and centering in community. Please join IPL as Lisa Leahigh guides us in our monthly sharing on Wednesday, July 26 at 6 pm..
July 20, 2023 Please read the information below about possible grants for us to $200,000 for Houses of Worship. This is not a firm committment, but for us to have you in our data and submitted to the grant proposals and you would learn more after we know who gets the large grant. Also, some of you are wondering about the IRA solar. More will be coming on that, that pool of funds is in a regulatory processs for comments, which we will be making.
June 19, 2023 Quarterly Solstice event tonight
June 8, 2023 E-notes: While some vacationing and enjoying our beautiful Earth with gardening, camping, hiking and just sitting in awe—-the work of IPL in NM and El Paso region continues—because we love our Sacred Earth Community.
June 8, 2023 “Current Revolution: Nation in Transition” showing at Central United Methodist Church on Sunday, June 11
June 1, 2023 Using the book Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer, we invite you to join us for the first of an intergenerational dialogue series where we explore the loss of place, connection to the land, and to one another. I
May 24, 2023 Drawing inspiration from Johanna Macy’s, Work That Reconnects, join us for practices that support gratitude, honoring our pain for the world, seeing with new eyes, and going forth
May 11, 2023 Reminder PFA’s and water webinar and special events this week and next. All are welcome!!
May 2, 2023 Blessings the time of Beltane, May Day, Worker’s Day and Spring plantings and blessings! We are so grateful for so many Earth Month celebrations around New Mexico and in El Paso. As we continue to reflect with the recent UN IPCC climate report, we know we have so much loving work to do. Please read on and also check out our website. We need to work together as loving community for Our Common Home.
April 25, 2023 Lisa Leahigh, a Buddhist practitioner who is in and Eco-chaplaincy program through Upaya Zen Center in Santa Fe is leading the monthly evenings. They will be the 4th Wednesday of each month at 6 pm on zoom.
April 20, 2023 Reminder: Special Earth Day Concert–Emma’s Revolution Fundraiser for immigration work–connecting climate change & immigration/refugees
April 11, 2023 Special Earth Day Concert–Emma’s Revolution. Fundraiser for immigration work–connecting climate change & immigration/refugees
April 10, 2023 Celebrate Earth Week: Hands on Soil &Water Learning Experience Join James & Joyce Skeet of Covenant Pathways and Spirit Farm near Vanderwagen, NM who teach and work to heal the soil and the soul. The Skeets come from Navajo worldview and a spiritual perspective
March 17, 2023 IPL welcomes you to our first Seasonal Faith and Spirit inspiration and conversation event via zoom. We will begin with a short reflective teaching by Buddhist Lisa Leahigh who is in an Eco-Chaplaincy program at Upaya. This time will include individual reflection and collective sharing. Then learn about what IPL is doing and we welcome your thoughts, suggestions and conversation.
March 8, 2023 NM IPL and El Paso region is pleased to offer seedling trees and bushes to faith communities and individuals in mid-March 2023. Stock was limited this year from nurseries due to the fires impacting some growing centers. We ask each community to initially order no more than 6 total seedlings. Let us know if you would be interested in more so we can put you on a list if there are extras.
February 28, 2023 NM IPL and El Paso region is pleased to offer seedling trees and bushes to faith communities and individuals in mid-March 2023. Stock was limited this year from nurseries due to the fires impacting some growing centers. We ask each community to initially order no more than 6 total seedlings. Let us know if you would be interested in more so we can put you on a list if there are extras
February 13, 2023 Blessings this February time when we are reminded that Love is the very physical structure of the universe…Thank you to all who continue to lend voice at legislature, and for the EPA methane rule comment period. Thank you all who lend hands for education on climate, install solar, etc…We also have some advocacy policy updates.
January 16, 2023 Blessings this MLK day where we are inspired by Rev. King and so many in the holy cloud of witnesses. We want to especially invite you to an informational overview of a number of NM 2023 Legislative issues concerning water, climate, just transition, health, oil and gas, energy justice, and the future. This is a way to learn alot in a short time and find out how you can get engaged.
December 31, 2022 Gratitude to each of you for 2022 and all that you did out of love and hope! Blessings to all as we begin 2023 where we live in the moment of mystery with beauty and much suffering—but we live this moment together.
December 22, 2022 Blessings of Solstice, Hanukkah & Christmas light. This time of year’s closing reminds us that light, even the smallest flame makes a large impact in the darkness. When such a flame is set alight with intentions of love, healing, and hope the light extends beyond the eye to distant places.
December 7, 2022 Please note these important meetings on funds for solar for Houses of Worship and Water in New Mexico for Thursday, December 8, 2022.
November 29, 2022 Three things for this Giving Thursday: First, there is a wonderful new film by inspiring photographer Louie Schwartzberg, Gratitude Revealed. Watch the film trailer here. Second, on this day or throughout December you can donate to our work. Third, we invite you to several important webinars on water and climate!!!
November 7, 2022 Just a reminder that we have our Annual Fall Gathering in-person and on-line this week and…..we would love to see you in person! Join us November 10 at 6:30 at First Congregational in Albuquerque for a wonderful evening. We will share some of the current work of IPL, experience an amazing panel with young adults, celebrate earth with a raffle, and honor wonderful SEED and Sprout Awardees.
October 27, 2022 We are so excited to finally have our Annual Fall Gathering in person with masks and live streamed on Facebook. We would love to see you November 10 at 6:30 at First Congregational in Albuquerque for a wonderful evening. We will share some of the current work of IPL, experience an amazing panel with young adults, celebrate earth with a raffle, and honor wonderful SEED and Sprout Awardees. Please see flyer here or download and pass the word!!!
October 3, 2022 As we enter more deeply into this time of gratitude for harvests, the ancestors and life—we celebrate many holy days that call us to deeper spiritual connections and work with Holy Mother Earth. We remember the holy days of the Jewish with Yom Kippur October 3; Diwali of our Hindu friends October 24; St. Francis Day, October 4; and days leading to Halloween, the thin veiled time and tradition,
September 20, 2022 Choosing Mother Earth is an initiative of Interfaith Power and Light New Mexico and El Paso region planned in an intergenerational manner. A deeper explanation is on our website homepage (scroll down to Choosing Mother Earth) to see an intro video with wonderful young adult insights and a link to a toolkit. You can engage in any of 3 ways: 1) On-line sharing around the book Choosing Earth that incorporates ritual, creative activities and ways to engage in deeper sharing. Four sessions: October 5, 19. November 2, 16 from 6-7:30. Sign up with 2-Use our toolkit on the homepage to create your own group or use the kit for a congregational class or study group. Let us know if you have questions. 3) Intergenerational pair sharing. This is an exciting option suggested by our young adult planners as a way to have broader and deeper sharing and support. The pairs will connect periodically and may have a retreat together in early January. The toolkit can be used for this process.
August 29, 2022 You are invited to a special one hour informational sharing Thursday, September 1 at 5 pm MT to learn about Choosing Mother Earth: Healing, Hope, Love in Action.
August 12, 2022 Interfaith Power and Light of New Mexico and El Paso region has worked hard to get climate legislation at the federal level. While we are pleased that there will be movement toward reduction of carbon emissions and toward new energy, jobs, and even help with health care for our region through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), we are very disheartened by the compromises for oil, gas and nuclear that so adversely affect our frontline neighbors in our region.
August 9, 2022 Please join Islamic Center of New Mexico, Interfaith, and Community leaders, as we raise our Prayers in remembrance of our four Muslim Brothers, whose lives were violently taken away before their time. Action this week to cotact Federal Representatives: The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 will be voted on within the week in the House of Representatives. It is not perfect. It is a compromise that we need to support. It would deliver funds for health and the biggest single climate investment thus far—$369 billion. Call your Representatives today and ask them to act on health and climate:
August 2, 2022 Here are several immediate actions for today. The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 will be voted on within the week. It is not perfect. It is a compromise that we need to support. It would deliver funds for health and the biggest single climate investment thus far—$369 billion…Call your Senators today and urge them to pass these crucial climate investments. Here are some highlights from the $369 billion in climate investments from the bill:
- Clean energy tax credits for wind and solar, EVs, efficiency upgrades, heat pumps, and much more
- More than $60 billion for environmental justice priorities
- Up to $60 billion for domestic clean energy manufacturing
- $27 billion to speed the development of emissions reductions technologies, especially in disadvantaged communities
May 12, 2022 As our hearts break with the fires in our region and the many losses our neighbors face, we turn to the Cairns for inspiration, courage and wisdom. We pray for those in harms way and fire fighters. We dig into our souls that me may live and act in hope and with bold actions to address climate change and the consequences…hank you to the more than 100 faith leaders, people of conscience and young adults who have signed our letter for bold climate action that Arcelia Isais-Gastelum (IPL board member) and myself will deliver to our federal congressional delegation next week as we attend our national IPL meeting in DC.
April 22, 2022 Blessed Earth Day! In the midst of climate change, economic concerns, wars and so much suffering there is such Beauty and Joy. Today Earth, Our Common Home, reminds us to be grateful for so much and to give our hearts to the work of life. I wanted to share my favorite Earth Day picture of my friend Mateo who became a tree during the pandemic Earth Day 2020.
April 18, 2022 Blessings these holy days of Passover, Easter, Ramadan and EARTH WEEK. In darkly times there is always hope on a deep level, because we know we are doing our collective spirit work and loving actions for communities of life and all beings we share life with on this Holy Planet… Some themes in this newsletter: Thank you for work for new methane rules in NM…Several Earth Day calendar events…
April 12, 2022 Blessings this Earth Month and holy days for Jewish, Muslim and Christian communities this week. The convergence of Ramadan, Passover and Holy Week happens about every 30 years. As we pray/meditate and hold concerns of war, climate change, famines, extinctions of species and drought—we also hold the truth that we are surrounded by grace and that as humans living in this moment have a call to great love and action. See listing of events, opportunities for action and engagement, and resources.
March 2, 2022 St. John’s United Methodist Church in Albuquerque is one of the six top national Interfaith Power & Light (IPL) 2022 Cool Congregations Challenge winners.
February 28, 2022 Blessings. We wanted to remind you of our special water prayer at the Rio Grande this Friday and several items for those who are beginning the Christian season of Lent. It is not too late to sign up for our short Lenten series with Claudio Carvalhaes.
Also….we have a special Lenten Calendar online or to print on the website under Earth & Faith as well as a blog post. Here is the link to the blog post
February 17, 2022 Blessings this day! We all need encouragement. Sometimes our work as a community to care for our sacred Common Home feels lonely and overwhelming. That is why spiritual paths and practices are so important. There is so much that we cannot see and do not know. There are many ways forward that we have not imagined. Our work takes place in many in many ways and infused with our spiritual practices. Lately I have found this poem/prayer of the Persian mystic Hafiz holds much wisdom for our moment. Translation for this poem is from Love Poems from God, Daniel Ladinsky. Thank you Hafiz and other ancestors for wisdom walking with us.
February 12, 2022 Blessings this Valentine weekend. A gift we can give to those we love and to our Mother Earth could be an advocacy action below. Updates are as of Saturday, February 12, 2022. You are always welcome to contact committee members and your own legislators.
January 24, 2022 Here are Advocacy Updates for Federal and State Actions. Federal Advocacy. You can still offer comments for strong EPA methane rules this week. Make a comment at the national IPL wesite. Continue to highlight the need for Voting Rights when you contact federal legislators. State Advocacy on HB6: The Clean Future Act, HB 37 Community Energy Efficiency Development Grant, NM Environmental Rights Amendment (NM Green Amendment), hydrogen bills and much more.
January 18, 2022 Today I invite you to make acomment at the national IPL wesite for strong EPA oil and gas methane rules. We have a January 31 deadline date and count on you, your friends and faith communities to lend your voice. In addition, if you are a faith leader and have not signed our faith leader letter please contact See letter on our website.
January 6, 2022 Today, January 6, we mark the anniversary of a violent and deadly attack against our country, our democracy, and our freedom as voters to choose the leaders who represent us so that we have a government of, by, and for the people. We must not forget what happened, and we must demand action from our leaders to prevent another attack on our democracy.
December 28, 2021 This year ends with many of us feeling a gray cloud hovering. We wonder if life will ever be fully joyful again. But this week as we said goodbye to Archbishop Desmond Tutu, we remember that his struggle for justice lasted decades. We remember his prophetic actions and moral leadership and hear his joyful laugh that punctuated his life’s work. We are grateful for each of you and your generosity in so many ways to care for Our Common Home. Please read our end of year letter and short report that describes some our work in 2021. Thank you for your end of year tax-deductible donationsand your prayers.
Note: Our Oct. 20-Nov. 13 newsletters were related to the COP26 Climate Talks in Glasgow.
November 13, 2021 “There have been many important initiatives launched to get the world towards the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming to no more than 1.5 degrees Centigrade above pre-industrial levels. These include the Global Methane Pledge and the commitment to end deforestation—both of which the U.S. has committed to.” -Rev. Susan Hendershot, IPL President
November 11, 2021 Where are we? While the success of the COP is debatable, there have been some steps forward including: the agreement between the US and China from yesterday and multi-national climate agreement draft. Loss and Damage is still a big priority that needs greater action.
November 10, 2021 Last days left….for critical negotiations. The UK COP 26 Presidency published the first draft to be negotiated and agreed by countries attending the talk. Xountries are being urged by Science and Civil Society all around the world to strengthen their carbon-cutting targets by the end of 2022.
November 9, 2021 If the fossil fuel industry were a country it would have the most representation at the COP. Some 100 companies have 503 representatives with the next largest representation being Brazil with 479
November 6, 2021 Is 1.5°C still feasible? Young people are anxious about their future, some are angry, many are skeptical. Will COP 26 deliver real actions? They voice their concerns.
November 4, 2021 This was energy day at COP 26. But we can look at energy in many ways. Not only do we need new sources of energy, saving energy and sharing energy—we need creative and soulful energy.
November 2, 2021 Is there any hope? World leaders deliver their speeches with promises. President Biden announced a new plan to protect the forests in the US, 100 countries made a pledge to decrease methane pollution by 30% up to 2030.
November 1, 2021 The COP has begun. Today youth, world leaders and citizens from around the world, including children and world leaders offered short statements and important stories. A very powerful statement was made by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. “It is time to say ENOUGH.”
October 29, 2021 UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres says a report published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a “code red for humanity. The evidence is irrefutable. Greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel burning and deforestation are choking our planet and putting billions of people at immediate risk”.