Video: Fossil Free Retirement Advocacy Info Session

American workers collectively invest trillions of dollars in their retirement funds, often through employer-sponsored 401(k) and 403(b) plans. These retirement plans, in turn, often invest heavily in fossil fuels. As people of faith and conscience, we are tasked with building a more just world – one that is in line with our moral values of protecting our most vulnerable siblings and being faithful stewards of the Earth. This leaves workers to choose between compromising their values (by investing in and profiting from harmful fossil fuel development) and compromising the security of their retirement. People of faith shouldn’t have to make that choice. Instead, faithful workers should have the right to opt into retirement funds whose investments do not violate their fundamental moral responsibilities.

Interfaith Power & Light has partnered with ClientEarth, an environmental legal advocacy organization, to work together on a unique opportunity that people of faith have to help shift financial institutions away from investing in fossil fuel projects. Fill out this questionnaire to let us know you’re interested in helping – Learn more about this faithful advocacy opportunity here –…